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Ride With Me: A Possessive Cowboy Romance Page 8

  "Good morning, Elle,” he said cooly. His voice clipped. I had a sudden fission of fear. Maybe he wouldn’t want to keep meatier all…

  He was still mad. Really, really mad.

  "Good morning,” I said cautiously, pulling the sheet up to my neck.

  “Don’t,” he barked out. “Don’t cover yourself.”

  I let the sheet fall to my waist and waited.

  “Come here."

  I took a deep breath and stood. I walked across the room toward him on wobbly legs. When I got closer the look in his eyes made me stop in my tracks.

  Jake wasn't mad. The look on his face was something else entirely. He looked… scared. But scared of what?


  I didn't move fast enough apparently because he pulled me down into his lap. He was fully dressed again. I was… not.

  His hands started to slide over my body possessively, making me immediately aroused. But his eyes never left mine.

  "I meant what I said, Elle. You are coming back with me."

  I stared at him. I was going to give this a try. I’d promised him that.

  “I told you I would.”

  He squeezed me in approval.

  "No more running."

  "No more running."

  "Promise me."

  "I promise."

  That seemed to appease him because he smiled for the first time since I had woken. But it wasn’t a nice smile. It looked… predatory. He wasn't looking at my face now, anyway. His fingers were trailing over the hard tips of my breasts. I gasped at the sensation.

  "Are you hungry, Elle?"

  I was ravenous. But I wanted him more. And judging from the torpedo in his lap, he wanted me too.

  Maybe for longer than I’d imagined a bad boy like Jake Delancey ever would.

  I smiled at him.

  "I can wait."

  The serious look lifted from his eyes for the first time since I saw him on the plane. The cocksure smile was back.

  "Good. I'll try to take less than an hour this time."

  He lifted me up and carried me back to bed.

  He took more than an hour.

  By the time we ordered room service, it was time for lunch.

  Chapter Twenty-Three


  "Easy boy. That's it. Nicely done, Thunder.”

  I eased the bridle off the exhausted stallion. I was working with the new horse again this morning, just like I’d been doing twice a day, every day since I got back from New York. I found that wearing the stallion out was the best way to teach him. When the animal was exhausted and well ridden, his resistance was much lower. The natural urge for independence dropped.

  Eventually it would be second nature to the ornery creature to follow my lead.

  I was sort of doing the same thing with Elle.

  Not sort of.

  I was doing exactly the same thing with her.

  Each night I kept her up and busy. So busy that she could not even think about running. I worked her thoroughly all night, with a firm and practiced hand, until she fell into a satisfied slumber. I made sure she was too tired and sated to even think about leaving me again.

  Of course, I ended up pretty fucking satisfied too.

  I was satisfied in a way that felt real, deep, and lasting. More so that I’d ever been in my entire life. All the way down to my bones.Bone satisfied. No pun intended.

  I grinned and patted the stallion.

  Taming Elle was a difficult job, but somebody had to do it.

  I was brushing Thunder down when one of the workmen I’d hired came to find me.

  "Mr. Delancey? It's ready."

  "Thanks Steve."

  I held out an apple for Thunder. A special reward only offered on days he was agreeable. It was gone in the blink of an eye. I gave him one last affectionate pat and followed Steve to the former tack shed. From the outside it still looked like a hundred year old stone and beam building. Well kept and serviceable, but old. But inside, it was something else entirely.

  Padded walls, retro looking furniture and a glass wall that separated the equipment from a small room set up with studio instruments. Concert posters on the wall. Funky lights. Soft chairs and couches in electric blue.

  I’d built my woman a recording studio.

  “What do you think? Will she like it?”

  I grinned and slapped Steve on the back.

  "It's perfect."

  Chapter Twenty-Four


  I bent over the figures, entering each into the software that Mrs. Garret had taught me to use. The woman was getting on and needed help with the household expenses. It was just one of the things that I had learned to do to help in running the estate. Jake had insisted on it. He refused to let me stay on as the hired help. Helping him and his brothers run things was apparently a different matter. He kept hinting at a possible marriage proposal. That I was part of the family now, and would always be. But I doubted he would actually ask me anything.

  Knowing Jake, he would inform me of our upcoming nuptials, the time, the place, even what I would be wearing.

  He insisted on a lot of thing lately. Not that I minded. After all, he looked damn good giving orders.

  I looked up to see him standing in the doorway watching me. As usual he looked supremely relaxed on the outside, but there was something tightly coiled inside him. A drive. A need. And like he wanted to have his way with me. I felt an answering warmth spread through my body.

  "You're as sneaky as a cat,” I said, hiding the flutters he gave me.

  He just smiled at me, looking a bit smug. That was usual too. I adored my arrogant young man though. Just the way he was. Prickles and all.

  I was a bit prickly myself.

  I picked up an envelope and waved it at him.

  "My papers finally came in."

  He crossed his arms and leaned against the doorjamb, his eyebrows raised.

  "Is that so?"

  I nodded.

  "I'm impressed. I think you've earned a reward."

  Now it was my turn to cock an eyebrow at him. I knew exactly what kind of reward he was hinting at. The manly bulge in his pants did little to dispel the impression.

  “Really Jake, it’s the middle of the day. I have work to do.”

  "Not that kind of reward, you naughty girl. How is that going by the way?"

  I sighed and leaned back in my chair.

  "Well, I certainly understand how to balance books down to the dime. Years of being dirt poor will do that to you."

  He nodded approvingly.

  “Good girl. Come on, it's time for your riding lesson."

  "If you insist. I still have work to do here…”

  "Buttercup will get lonely."

  I rolled my eyes. They'd given me the oldest, sweetest nag on the estate to learn to ride on. After one encounter, the horse became fixated on me for some reason. It followed me around like a dog.

  The sweet old thing was ridiculous. And smelly. But I had to admit I was growing fond of the silly horse.

  "Alright, let's go."

  I stood and followed Jake. I was already wearing riding breeches and boots. Jake had specified that I be ready to ride at a moments notice. He’d bought me a whole slew of tailored riding gear. I had tried to argue until he said he liked the way I looked in the snug fitting pants.

  I smirked as I watched his ass move in his tight jeans.

  I liked the way he looked in his pants, too.

  We didn’t go right to the stables as usual though. I frowned and followed him, sensing that something sneaky was afoot. He was up to something, I just knew it. We turned a corner and walked toward one of the other old buildings that littered the estate. This one was set back a bit from the rest of the buildings, with a pretty stone path leading to the door.

  He stood in front of the building with a big grin.

  "What's this then?"

  He just shrugged.

  "Open it."

  I gave him a distru
stful look and reached for the door handle.

  "You know I don't like surprises,” I warned him.

  “Just open it.”

  “I really don’t, Delancey.”

  He just smiled wider.

  "You'll like this one. I promise.”

  I stepped inside the building and stopped in my tracks.

  He was right. I did like it. In fact, I bloody loved it.

  Just like I loved him, even if I hadn’t told him so quite yet.

  The darling man had built me a recording studio.

  I turned to stare at him, just as he stepped inside and locked the door. I practically fell into his arms. Now it was my turn to reward him. He couldn’t have done anything in the world that showed he cared for me better than this.

  “I thought you were too busy,” he teased me as I started unbuttoning his shirt and tugging at the waistband of his jeans.

  “Shut up, Delancey.”

  “You know, you are going to have to find a new nickname for me… once you have the same name.”

  “Oh I will, will I?” I answered as his lips found my throat. His damned jeans were not coming off fast enough for me.

  “Yes, woman,” he promised. “You will.”

  “Hmmm,” I said, slipping to my knees. Jake never let me suck him for long, no matter how much I told him enjoyed it. He was always muttering something about me ‘trying to kill him’ and groaning. Today was no exception.


  “Let me thank you properly.”

  He hissed with pleasure as my lips closed over the tip of his cock. I was no expert, but I tried to do what I imagined would feel nice to him, and what felt good when he gave me pleasure in the same way.

  I also really liked hearing him moan. The man was putty in my hands. Well, parts of him, anyway, I thought as I fondled his sack. The rest of him was hard as a rock…

  “Hmmmmmffff…” he was trying to speak, but couldn’t seem to form a coherent sentence. I smiled around his cock and attempted to deep throat him, something I was sure I was terrible at, but tried to do anyway. He cursed and tried to shove me away.

  “Elle,” he ground out. “I’m not going to last two seconds.”

  “So?” I asked, staring up at him. “I like it when you come. And I am sure we can find something to do until you rally…”

  “Oh christ,” he breathed but didn’t stop me when I began again. He hadn’t been lying. He didn’t last long.

  His hands flexed in my hair as his hips started to pump gently, not forcing himself into me, but following my motion, meeting my mouth with a thrust. I felt him swell inside me. He warned me when he was about to come but I didn’t stop. If anything, I sucked a little harder, swirling my tongue over the tip of his head and tasting something salty.

  I was rewarded by a hot jet of pure Jake. I lapped it up eagerly, swallowing his seed and pulling gently at the tip while my hands worked his shaft and balls. He was shaking, his hips rocking out of tempo as I kept going, wanting to get every last drop.

  Finally he cursed and yanked me to my feet.

  “You’re still hard,” I said in wonder as his rod poked me in the stomach, clearly wanting to get inside me.

  “Yes, Elle. I am,” he said in a rough voice, bending me forward over one of the plush, blue velvet couches. He yanked down my riding pants, causing a tear. I worried about my torn pants for about two seconds as his mouth closed over my bare pussy, his tongue delving quickly inside. He didn’t linger. For once he was just preparing me, muttering sorry about that, but he couldn’t wait.

  Well, that made two of us.

  “Hurry,” I begged as he positioned himself behind me and thrust deep, filling me completely in one smooth stroke. I gasped with pleasure as he began to fuck me slow but hard. Really hard.

  I gripped the cushions and held on for dear life. The feel of him inside me, the fullness, the friction, and the smoothness of his strokes… it was too much. I came almost instantly. Jake cursed and lost all semblance of control. He plowed into me roughly, his practiced thrusts getting jagged and his pace all over the place. He roared as he came inside me, no condom, no warning.


  “I know,” he said, his forehead resting on my back. “I’m sorry if you are upset but I am not sorry.”

  “What?” I demanded as I reared up and turned. He was staring at me with an odd look on his face.

  “I want a baby with you, Elle. I want everything with you.”

  “You… what?”

  “I love you, woman! Don’t you know that?”

  I glared at him for a heartbeat. Then I melted.

  “Oh Jake…”

  “It’s your turn to say it,” he grumbled, pulling me into his arms.

  “I do love you, you big oaf. Don’t you know that?” I said, throwing his own words back at him.

  “Maybe,” he said, kissing me slow and deep.

  “I’ll never look at that couch the same way again,” I said with a sleepy smile.

  “Should we take this to our bedroom?” He asked in a silky purr.

  “And walk through the house like this?” I huffed. “Everyone will know what we were doing.”

  “So what? We are together. It’s not like you aren’t my woman.”

  “I think not,” I said primly, trying to adjust my clothing. “I don’t need to get a reputation. More than I already have.” I added, recalling how his brothers had found me naked in his bed.

  “When we are married, will you let me ravage you in the middle of the day? No matter who knows?”

  “Hmmm, maybe,” I allowed. “But that’s not happening anytime soon!”

  “We will see about that,” he said mysteriously. I spent the rest of the day crunching numbers, and wondering dreamily what he had meant.

  After we snuck into the bedroom for a fresh pair of pants and another round in the sack, of course.

  Chapter Twenty-Five


  Six Months Later

  I sat at the bar with a prime view of the stage. Black Diamond was about to finish their second set. And at the end of the show, I had a surprise for the lead singer.

  Elle kept telling me she hated surprises. But she smiled like a loon when I managed to actually catch her off guard. She also told me she wasn’t going to marry me anytime soon. That was one other thing I would just have to work on… in the most pleasurable way possible.

  I looked around the room, seeing Daniel and Jackson smiling and talking to other people in the club. All three of us brothers had opened a music venue in the city, partnering with Albacus, an old family friend. Even Phee and her beau were here. She looked happy as hell, but we still gave Clint a hard time.

  We felt like we had to. But it was great all being together again. Especially with my woman there. She shone like a diamond. Soon she would be wearing one, too. Hell, I would cover her in diamonds by the time I was done with her!

  No one was more surprised than I was that things had worked out so well. Dad and I had reconciled. He was still weak, but in no immediate danger. I was in love for the first time in my life. The family business was kicking butt. Even Thunder had calmed down enough to be ridden. The lucky stallion was also busy breeding half the mares in the state. Not that I needed more than one. With a girl like Elle, no man could complain or hope for more. I never thought of myself as a one woman man. I hadn’t so much as looked at a mother woman from the moment I laid eyes on my lady.

  But there it was. Life was good.

  Life was very, very good.

  Only one thing could make it better.

  The crowd was chanting for an encore while I made my way up to the stage. I had something hidden in my fist. I smiled as I stopped the band from starting a new song. I winked at the guys and held out two fists.

  "Hey guys. I just have a question for Elle that couldn't wait. I hope you will understand."

  The crowd roared its response in the affirmative.

  I grinned and looked at my be
autiful girl. As usual, she looked suspicious. She hissed at me that didn't like surprises. I knew that. But I couldn't help myself.

  Elle gave me an odd look as I offered her two clenched hands.

  "Pick one."

  "Really? Now? Right now?”

  I nodded and she gave me an exasperated sigh.

  "Alright Delancey, this better be good."

  She cocked her head and tapped my left hand. I opened my fist, holding it palm up.

  “Good guess.”

  Her beautiful eyes opened wide when she saw what it was.

  It was a ring. A big honking diamond ring.

  I dropped to my knee.

  "Will you marry me, Eleanor?"

  She was already crying as she nodded. I slipped the ring on her finger while the crowd went wild. Then she threw herself into my arms, laughing and kissing me over and over again.

  I wasn't surprised when she whispered into my ear, barely audible above the noise of the crowd.

  "What the hell was in your other hand then?"

  I shrugged sheepishly, pulling back to show her.

  "Another ring. I got two, just in case."

  She was laughing as I pulled her in for a kiss.

  "You're incorrigible, alright. But I'll have you."

  I murmured into her soft kissable lips.

  "Lucky me."

  Chapter Twenty-Six


  I sighed as the stylist put the finishing touches on my hair and departed. My mother had slipped out to get ready a few minutes before. My hair and makeup were done. Now all I had to do was slip into my dress.

  I pulled the robe tighter around my body and bit my lip. I wanted to go downstairs and peek outside. I wanted to see what my pesky fiancé had planned. But when I twisted the knob to our suite, nothing happened. I stared dumbly at the thick wood door for a moment before it registered.