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Marked By The Devil Page 8

  Too close.

  The sad part was, Molly had barely even begun.

  She’d unbuttoned my jeans, smiling shyly up at me. I’d nearly spilled my seed right there and then. Just the butterfly touch of her delicate fingers through the worn denim had come close to undoing me.

  It was an embarrassment but there was no hope for it. The woman had some sort of magical power over me. And my cock. Dear God, my cock loved her.

  My jeans were on the floor. Sliding them down had released the snake. He was a python around her and ready to strike. She’d stared in shock as my cock literally bounced out of my jeans and bobbed there, pointing up toward my chest.

  Her fingertips had felt like fucking rose petals as they trailed curiously over my shaft. Then she’d gotten on her knees and shimmied my jeans down, and her hair had waterfalled over my dick. The silky feeling of it was the most exquisite torture I could imagine.

  Her fucking hair had almost made me come.

  I was in deep trouble and I didn’t even care. This one small girl had so much power over me. I should be fucking terrified. But I wasn’t. I was in too deep to even know I was at risk of drowning.

  Now Molly was climbing back up my body, her gorgeous skin gleaming in the faint sunlight coming in around the edges of the blinds. I wanted to pull the damn blinds open so I could see her. I wanted all the lights on. Hell, I wanted a fucking spotlight so I could look at her in perfect, clear, bright light.

  Yeah, that’s what I wanted.

  But this was a pretty good runner-up.

  “Molly . . .”

  Her lips were puckered, getting closer and closer to my cock. A shiny drop of precum waited for her. I held my breath as her lips got closer and closer . . . I moaned in ecstasy at the first tentative touch of her puffy lips on the tip of my cock.

  She kissed it, then looked up at me, sliding her tongue over the tip. Her eyes widened in surprise.

  “It’s salty.”

  The reminder of her innocence made my hips jerk. This wasn’t just the best blowjob I’d ever gotten, which it was, even if it ended right now. It was the first she’d ever given.

  And she was giving it to me.

  I was the luckiest sonofabitch in the whole fucking world.

  My balls twisted as she gripped my shaft and lowered her lips to my tip again. She might be inexperienced, but she had paid attention. She was using the moves I’d used on her, and the effect was fucking devastating. I clenched my fists and jaw in an attempt to control what was happening.

  It didn’t work.

  “Molly. Christ! I’m going to come.”

  She looked up at me but didn’t stop. She wasn’t taking me very far into her mouth and she wasn’t using the relentless rhythm I used when fucking or jacking myself off. Her touch was sweet and gentle and a little erratic. It should not have made me come like a fucking freight train.

  But it did.

  Oh, lordy, it did.

  “Ahh!” I screamed like a fucking banshee as the seed barreled up my shaft and out into her warm mouth. She jerked back and it hit her cheek. I should have grabbed my johnson and angled it away from her. That would have been the gentlemanly thing to do. But she was too fast.

  God bless her, she opened her mouth and put it back on my cock. She pulled me into her mouth, making me come even harder.

  And then she did something that made it all so much better.

  She swallowed.

  I kept coming, making grunting sounds like an animal. I had no control over it. Her soft lips held my cockhead in her mouth, and I felt her tongue swirl over the tip as she sucked on me.

  It was almost like she wanted to taste my come. She was thirsty for it. And God help me, I couldn’t stop giving it to her. I had never come this hard or this long in my life. Not even close. That was saying something, considering how much I’d fucked and how many weird ass things I’d tried. But all that was washed away by this one fucking flawlessly beautiful girl and her first three-minute blowjob.

  Jesus fucking Christ. I’m still coming.

  “Molly . . . Christ!”

  Finally, I gently pushed her away, cursing and moaning as my shaft spurted out the last few drops. I stared at her and at my stomach. We were both covered in milky-white goo. It was a lot, and it wasn’t even all of it. She’d swallowed most of it. Just that thought made my dick twitch.

  “Jesus, Molly. Are you okay?”

  “Of course I am. Did I do it right?”

  She smiled at me, looking like a goddamn angel. There was a drop of come on her lip and I moaned. My cock had been there. She’d taken me in her mouth and driven me absolutely insane with the best first-time BJ in the history of the damn world.

  And just like that, I was hard again.

  Not just hard.

  I was in love.

  I’d known I was falling. How could I not? She was so sweet, so different from anyone I’d ever known. But right now? It was real. It was one hundred fucking percent happening. I was hers, and I would be for the rest of my natural-born life.

  “Molly. Yes, you did it right.” I scrambled out of the bed, pulling on my jeans. “Let me get you . . .”

  I grabbed a washcloth and let warm water run over it. Then I brought it back to the bed and gently wiped her face clean. I was ready to go again, but I didn’t want her to know that. I took the washcloth back into the bathroom and stared at myself in the mirror.

  You are fucked, my man. Well and truly fucked.

  I smiled grimly, not giving a good goddamn that I was doomed. At least I’d go smiling. I was pretty sure I was already in Heaven, though what I’d done to deserve it was beyond me.

  I cleaned off my stomach and went back into the bedroom. Molly was reaching for my T-shirt. I nearly cried as the soft cotton slipped over her head, covering up her lush curves.

  I jumped on the bed and tackled her, rolling her until I was on top. Still trying to control my damn cock. I didn’t want to scare her off. Or worse, have her put more clothes on.

  “You are amazing, do you know that?”

  She caught her lip between her teeth and looked up at me.

  “You aren’t disappointed? That we didn’t . . . you know.”

  “Are you kidding me? That was incredible. Phenomenal.” I kissed her between each word, getting her lips and neck and ears. “I’ve never felt this good in my life.”


  Her cheeks were pink as she lay there, looking so fresh-faced and sweet it nearly killed me.

  “That’s all you can say?” I teased.

  “I know you’ve been with a lot of girls, Callaway. Experienced girls. You don’t have to lie.”

  I gripped her head gently, forcing her to look at me.

  “I’m not lying. When you touch me . . . I don’t understand it, but—”

  I caught myself. I did. I was so close to saying it out loud. Three little words. The same three words I’d never said to another woman, other than my Gran.

  It hung there, unsaid, in the back of my mouth. The words wanted to come out. But I stopped them, even though it felt like I was choking on them.

  I kissed her again and sighed. I wanted more but I wasn’t getting that vibe from her. I brushed her dark, silky hair away from her face.

  “You want to use the computer? Eat? Go for a ride?” She looked scandalized when I jerked my head toward the headboard. “Or go for round two?”

  “Callaway! You are crazy!”

  I nodded.

  “Yeah, I am. I’m fucking crazy about you.”

  There. That was close to the truth, even if it barely scratched the surface. No need to scare the girl. Or worse, scare her away.

  “So. Hungry?”

  She nodded and sat up. I sighed, rolling away. I was more than happy to feed her or anything else she needed. As long as she didn’t leave.

  I pretty much wanted the girl by my side, all the time.


  I watched her put her clothes on, enjoying every sec
ond I got to see bare flesh. My cock was still throbbing but I ignored it. The girl had gone way farther than she’d ever gone before, and she’d given me way more than I expected. My cock was going to have to wait for a second go and I knew it.

  My shirt came off, and I stared at her slender back as she gathered her clothes from the living room and put them on. A soft ringing made Molly scramble for her purse. I realized she didn’t get a lot of phone calls. She hadn’t lived in town long, but I didn’t think that was it.

  She held people at arm’s length. She’d had to. She had her brother to worry about, and the two of them were pretty much on their own.

  Well, not anymore. She had me now.

  Her voice was soft, and I was too busy looking at her to pay attention to what she was saying. I realized something was wrong the moment she put the phone down and turned to stare at me.

  “Can you take me back to the home? We have to hurry.”

  “What is it? What’s wrong, Molls?”

  She took a deep breath and exhaled.

  “My brother is awake.”

  Chapter Fourteen


  “It’s no-VOC, right?”

  Dev held up the can of paint proudly.

  “Yeah, babe. This is the least-toxic stuff they have.”

  I nodded, exhaling in relief. Ever since that little line first turned blue, I’d been worrying. Not nonstop, and I refused to give into it, but yeah. I was a worrier.

  I was already in full-on mama mode. It sometimes felt like I had been since the moment we’d stopped using protection. I’d started taking prenatal vitamins a week before we even tried. It had come pretty quickly, which was not especially surprising considering how hard Dev had tried.

  I blushed. He hadn’t stopped trying even after we got pregnant! He’d used it as an excuse to have as much sex as humanly possible. He hadn’t slowed down much either.

  He rolled up the sleeves of his shirt and winked at me before bending to open the paint can. The look of heat in his eyes was unmistakable. He wanted to be alone and spend some time rolling around on the bed.

  My man was insatiable.

  My dirty thoughts were interrupted by the sound of something heavy dropping in the hallway, followed by muffled curses and shushing. I giggled as Dev rolled his eyes.

  “In here, guys.”

  Lucky and Mac stuck their heads in the door. I figured Lucky had been the one cursing, and Mac had shushed him. Mac was quiet and reserved. He didn’t give much away. In fact, he often looked like he was made of stone.

  It was funny. Even though he was Donnie’s cousin, he reminded me more of Jack. Jack was like a giant tree in the forest, looking over everyone, and Mac was like a stone mountain, with his eyes on everything all at once.

  Lucky, on the other hand, was a fist full of dynamite. The man was as brash and brazen as they came. And he was second only to Callaway in terms of his crazy antics.

  Well, the old Callaway. The new Callaway was something you had to see to believe.

  They nodded to me in greeting, respectful as always.

  I shook my head at the grin Lucky gave me as I hoisted myself out of the rocking chair. It was my mom’s. She’d nursed me in it, and I was going to nurse our child in it. It wasn’t anything fancy, just plain brown wood. But Mac was going to paint some small flowers on it as well as a matching mural on the wall, once it was painted. He wasn’t a professional, like Callaway, but he was very artistic, especially for a biker.

  “Can I bring you guys some iced tea?”

  They nodded, and I scooted, heading to the kitchen. I was busy in the kitchen when I heard a noise. I squealed as two arms slid around me and a hot mouth pressed kisses to my neck.


  “Who else were you expecting?”

  “You’re going to get paint on me!”

  I turned around to see him grinning. His hands were in the air.

  “Haven’t started yet.”

  I scowled at him another minute just so he knew I was cross with him. I hated being surprised! He knew that! And yet the man loved nothing better than a sneak attack, usually involving kisses or grabbing a particular body part.

  He grabbed my bottom now, pressing himself into me and kissing me deeply.

  “Dev! We have company!”

  “No, we have workers. I was thinking . . .”

  I knew what he was thinking, and there was no way I was going into the bedroom with him to fool around with other people in the house.

  “No! Absolutely not! You are out of your mind.”

  He sighed.

  “Babe. I need you.”

  “You had me this morning! Not to mention two times last night.”

  He looked crestfallen. Absolutely gutted. I frowned.

  “The doctor said this was the last week . . .”

  “Oh, so that’s it.” I poked his chest. “You’re afraid you’re not going to be getting any.”

  “Babe. It’s not quantity, it’s quality. I just know I’ll miss your . . . qualities.”

  He tilted his head, trying to see down my shirt.

  “You are impossible! The doctor said nothing vigorous in the last month. He didn’t say we couldn’t do . . . other things.”

  “Other things?”

  Devlin looked like a kid on Christmas morning. I cleared my throat primly and nodded.

  “Yes. Other things.”

  He looked suspicious. “Like what?”

  “Use your imagination!” I huffed.

  “Lots of other things?”

  I raised an eyebrow, trying to control my embarrassment. I shrugged, feeling very shy all of a sudden.


  He picked me up and kissed me, his face looking far less worried. He set me down carefully, pressing a kiss to my cheek.

  “I look forward to all these other things you’re talking about, you wicked woman.”

  He winked and picked up the cups and pitcher of ice tea. I stared after him, having trouble keeping my eyes off his cute ass. He really did have a perfect bottom. Then I realized what he’d said and threw a dishtowel at his back.


  He didn’t answer. He just started whistling. In fact, he was whistling the whole rest of the day.

  Chapter Fifteen


  Three days.

  My brother had been awake for three days.

  It was unexpected. A miracle. A miracle I was terrified was about to end.

  He’d only had minutes of consciousness in the years following the accident. Snatched moments of clarity, usually months and months apart. But now . . . he’d been with me for three days.

  And I hadn’t so much as left his side for any of it.

  Tommy smiled at me and waved, taking a sip from the juice box in his hands. He’d barely been a teen when all this happened to him. And now he was a young man, seventeen years old. But in his mind, he was still at thirteen-year-old boy.

  My heart broke for all the things he’d missed.

  Sports. School. Friends. Prom.

  Come to think of it, we’d both missed prom.

  But he was awake now, and I was determined to keep him awake. Even if it meant sitting by his side and poking him every time he dozed off.

  Which the nurse had specifically told me not to do.

  I was restraining myself, but it was hard. To say I was anxious was an understatement. He’d slept a few times since he woke up. Each time, I sat there, staring at him, sure he had slipped away again. But he hadn’t. He’d only been sleeping.

  I dozed a bit in my chair by the window. I’d barely eaten and had gotten zero sleep. I’d only had what Callaway had brought me to eat, diner food from Mae’s. Lots of it. I’d shared with Tommy, who had been over the moon about the milkshake. Once Callaway found out that he liked strawberry, a shake had shown up each and every afternoon.

  He never came inside though. He’d text me and we’d meet in the hallway. He didn’t want to intrude, bu
t he wanted to be there for me. His support was more than I ever could have imagined. He was being amazing. Almost too good.

  Which made what I had to do even harder.

  He was coming now. We were going to talk. I paced back and forth while a nurse came to take Tommy to physical therapy. He had to learn to walk again. His body had been healthy since the accident, other than some bruises and cracked ribs. It had been his brain that took the biggest knock and caused the biggest worry. So I knew he would learn to walk again, even if it took him a long time. I closed my eyes, realizing he could never make it up the stairs to my tiny apartment. We would have to move. Again.

  But it was worth it. I would do anything for my brother. Literally anything.

  He was awake.

  It was a miracle.


  I glanced at Callaway, standing in the open doorway. I was afraid to look at him. Afraid I’d change my mind when I saw his handsome face. He’d been a rock through this. And now I was going to hurt him.

  I was about to hurt myself, too.

  I forced myself to look at him. The soulful look in his eyes took my breath away. I wished for the hundredth time that I could make this work.

  But Tommy was awake. He needed me. He had always needed me, but now he needed me hands-on. And I owed him all the time I had.

  Because I knew, without being told, that there was a chance he might fall asleep again and not wake up.

  So I was going to give him every single second I had.

  I exhaled and straightened my spine.

  “How are you doing, sweetheart?”

  Callaway came close, pulling me into his arms. I felt his lips press against my hair and nearly cried. He felt so good. He smelled even better.

  I shook my head and pushed away from him. I tried to gather my wits, get some semblance of control over myself and my runaway emotions, and get control over the situation. I finally looked at him, and I could tell he knew something was wrong when I looked into his beautiful green eyes. It was right there, raw and impossible to ignore.