Cuffed: A Forbidden Romance Read online

Page 6

  But he hadn’t. And now I pretty much had no choice but to run. Run, or squeal. Or both.

  My ass was going to end up in witness protection if I was willing to talk. I needed to talk to Mason. I’d tried to keep him out of it and now it was too late.

  So run from Dante and the law or witness protection. That’s if I was lucky. If I was unlucky, I’d just be dead.

  I sighed and flipped the channel again. Commercials, man. I hated them. If I lived here, this show would have been taped and I could fast forward through it.

  Of course as of now, I didn’t live anywhere. Mason’s place was under surveillance, by the FBI and the Raisers.

  I could just disappear and save them all the trouble. I had a feeling that Mason would come after me if I did.

  Never mind the Boy Scout outside.

  He seemed like the type who didn’t let go of stuff too easy. Of course, I didn’t really know him. But I usually got a good sense of people, and that’s one of the things I was picking up from him.

  I’d been watching TV for over an hour. I’d seen various housewives and half a show about people working at a hotel that I’d never seen before.

  Basically, they were all good looking idiots.

  And I freaking loved it.

  I settled back into the cushions. It was a good couch. Worn in enough to be incredibly comfy. It smelled nice too. The whole place was scruffy but clean and kind of cool in an old school way.

  Kind of like Connor.

  He came back inside and reached into the fridge. He pulled out a beer, looked at me, and put it back.

  “Go ahead, I don’t mind.”

  He shrugged and pulled it out again, twisting the top off the bottle. I noticed he didn’t offer me one. Probably because I was technically underage.

  “You really live here?”

  He leaned against a post and stared at me, taking a swig. He was so serious. I couldn’t help but wonder what he was thinking about. What made him tick.

  Doesn’t matter, Cass. Escape plan. Mason. Plausible lies.

  “Yeah. I really do.”

  “Do you usually take witnesses here?”


  “So… why am I here again?”

  He drank again and wiped the back of his mouth.

  “I had to get you out of there. It would have taken hours to get something set up. Would you rather be waiting in an interrogation room until dawn again?”

  I shook my head, sliding my hands underneath my legs. He’d brought me here to be kind. He may have even broken rules to do it.

  “Did they find out anything about the roses?”

  He nodded slowly.

  “It was chicken blood. That’s what you were asking, right?”

  “Yes. And if they knew… who sent it?”

  “No.” He took another slow sip of his beer. He never took his eyes off me. “But you know.”

  I stared at the ground. My heart beating hard and fast. I stood up abruptly and turned off the TV.

  “I think I’ll go to bed-“

  He grabbed me as I passed him. He spun me so that my back was against the post. He leaned over me and stared at me like I was something delicate and rare.

  His fingers brushed my face.

  I held my breath as the world seemed to stop.

  Then he stepped back. Slowly, so slowly, I slid away from the post. I forced myself to take one step and then another until I was up the stairs.

  Only when I was in the guest room could I breath normally again.

  I got into the bed he’d made up for me and stared out the one window. I could see the stars above the tree line. I was still awake when I heard him come upstairs a few hours later.

  His footsteps paused outside my door. That’s when I knew I wasn’t imagining what had happened in the living room.

  What had almost happened.

  Connor had almost kissed me.


  This was hell. Pure torture. I rolled over in my big, empty bed, my rock hard cock pressing uselessly into the mattress.

  I had never wanted a woman in my bed this badly before.

  I had never wanted anything this badly before.

  And that scared the shit out of me.

  I was already in danger of getting in trouble for this. Career-ending trouble. It wasn’t even on the books. I’d just… taken her with me.

  She should be in a safe house like Mason. Not the same one. I needed to keep them separated.

  You’re doing it for Danny.


  This is the best way to break her.

  Another lie.

  You will break her.


  I knew I could break her. She was tough but she was just a girl. I was a trained federal agent. I could wear her down and make her talk. No matter how brave she was.

  But at what cost? The thought that I’d put her in danger was already tearing me up inside. Now I was going to work her over emotionally too? Make her think she had even worse things to worry about from me?

  I wasn’t sure I could do it and look in the mirror afterwards. But I had to do it. I owed it to my partner’s memory.

  I moaned and closed my eyes.

  She was so close… her soft, warm body laying less than twenty feet away. I could just give in to temptation. It would be so easy. I knew just what I would do.

  I’d wake her with a soft kiss, then let my hands run over her body. I’d sink into the bed, twisting and turning until I was between her thighs.

  Then I would go to town. Unleash everything I had on her. All the years alone. All the heat she seemed to stir up in me.

  Too much heat.

  I gave in, knowing I wasn’t getting any sleep tonight. I needed to cool down. I opened the window and stared out of it. It’s a good thing I did.

  Because I could see her running away.

  A furtive movement by the tree line caught my eye.

  I blinked. Yes, that was Casey. She was actually trying to get away from me. I ran for the stairs, practically taking them in one leap.

  How the fuck was I supposed to protect her if she ran? I grabbed a flashlight as I ran out the front door, not caring that I was shirtless and shoeless.

  She’d been headed for the road from what I could tell. I ran at full speed, my eyes scanning the darkness. There. I thought I saw something just ahead-

  I smiled grimly as I saw her tip toeing down the dirt road, looking utterly lost. Not on my watch sweetheart. I was going to have to take drastic measures apparently.

  I reached out and closed my hand over her shoulder. I ignored the electricity that leapt between us. I was too angry to care how scared she looked.



  “You have got to be fucking kidding me.”

  Connor’s hand came down on my shoulder, hard. He spun me around and I stared at him in surprise.

  How the hell had he heard me? I was quiet as hell. It was one of my special skills, dammit.

  “What do you think you are doing?”

  My mouth opened but no sound came out. He rolled his eyes and the next thing I knew I was slung over his shoulder and being carried swiftly back up the hill.

  He carried me and all my stuff with ease. I could see that his feet were bare. It was pretty cold out here and he wasn’t wearing a shirt or shoes.

  I winced, realizing he was more than a little bit pissed.

  And he kind of had a right to be.

  I was distracted by his body. I’d never been this close to a half-naked man before. Especially not one that looked like Connor. My body pressed against his bare skin. His bare, hot, silky skin. His hot skin that covered all those massive muscles.

  His many, many muscles.

  I had to steady myself with my hands on his chest. And lower. One hand settled against his flat stomach as I held on for dear life.

  His hand shifted on my lower back and he grunted. It was like I was a log being carried by a lumberjack. Or a wil
d animal. He just hoisted me up and took me away.

  It was overwhelming.

  It was also kind of insanely sexy.

  And that was before I realized I could smell him. Just a hint of something warm and masculine, along with all this fresh woodsy air.

  No wonder he smelled like the trees.

  He stomped up the porch stairs and kicked the door open. Then he kicked the door shut again and dropped me onto the couch.

  He pointed a finger at me.

  “Don’t say a fucking word.”

  I sat there, feeling like an ass. Who gets caught sneaking out? And where the hell had I thought I was going anyway?

  Now Connor was angry and I was at his mercy. Well, still at his mercy. I was pretty much screwed on all fronts and we both knew it.

  I watched as he made a pot of coffee, ignoring me completely. He stared at me while it dripped, his arms crossed over that massive, bare chest of his. I swallowed nervously and looked away.

  He rattled around some, and I heard a drill. I thought he was securing the door. That wouldn’t stop me from running again.

  Clearly he didn’t realize I had gone out through the window.

  A few minutes later, a cup of coffee with cream and sugar appeared in front of me. I stared at it, my mind turning. He must have remembered how I liked it.

  That was… sweet.


  I took the cup and had a sip. At the moment, I would have done anything he asked of me.


  I exhaled and looked at him. Somehow the warmth in my hands was giving me courage. Then the ferocious look in his eyes instantly depleted it again.

  I was at 50% on the brave-o-meter, at most.

  “I need to see Mason.”

  His jaw ticked.

  “He’s safe.”

  “He’s in a safe house?”

  “I didn’t say that.”

  “He refused to go in didn’t he?”

  He stared at me. Then he nodded abruptly.

  “I need to talk to him.”

  He walked over to the couch and leaned forward until his arms were braced on either side of my head. He stared at me, his eyes hard and unforgiving.

  “Absolutely fucking not.”

  We stared at each other and I realized he didn’t want to kiss me now. He wanted to throttle me maybe. Or spank me.

  He ran his hands through his hair and sighed.

  “I’m trying to keep you safe Casey. I couldn’t take you to a safe house unless you were willing to talk. No one knows you are here.”


  “You aren’t a witness until you talk. So talk.”

  “Why did you say you were taking Mason to a safe house then?”

  “I tried. There is some wiggle room. And with you gone, it seemed like maybe he was gonna crack-“

  “You used me!”

  He smiled at me.

  “Honey, I will use anyone and anything to get to Dante. I am trying to keep you alive though.”

  “For the case.”

  He stared at me.

  “For the case.”

  “I want fucking out of here. Now.”

  He shook his head and reached out his hand.

  “Give me your ankle.”

  He held up a chain and smiled at me.

  “What? No!”

  “I need sleep and you need to stay put. So I repeat, give me your ankle.”

  I shook my head.

  “Unless you want to be handcuffed to me? We could sleep in the same bed.”

  My heart thudded and I felt an odd warmth in my center. Between my legs.

  I swallowed and shook my head.

  “Didn’t think so.”

  Was it my imagination or did he look disappointed?

  He grabbed my leg and snapped the cuff into place. I kicked and screamed but it was no use. He held the chain up and showed me where it attached to the post.

  It was long enough to get to the kitchen or the bathroom. I stared at he started removing anything that could be used as a weapon from the drawers.

  That bastard had thought of everything! Now I was truly fucked. I couldn’t leave and I couldn’t defend myself.

  I tugged on the cuff around my ankle and screamed.


  “Scream all you want, honey. No one’s gonna hear you.”

  She tugged frantically at her ankle, then stopped to glare at me. Dammit, the old stereotype was true. Casey was even prettier than usual when she was angry.

  “You’re not going anywhere.”

  “You can’t do this.”

  “I can. And I will.”

  “This is- kidnapping!”

  “You aren’t a kid. And I’m a federal agent.”

  “Good! If someone finds out they will throw you in jail!”

  I smiled at her calmly, my eyes trailing over her long legs. She was wearing tight jeans and they were extremely sexy for some reason.

  Probably because she was wearing them.

  “I don’t think so.”

  “Oh yeah? How are you going to explain this?”

  She held up the chain and waved it at me.

  “Kinky sex game?”

  Her mouth opened in shock. I had her there. And damn if it didn’t give me ideas.

  “I’m tired Casey, or whatever your name is. But you are going to tell me something. You are going to tell me everything.”

  Her eyes were wide as I walked over to the couch and sat down next to her.

  “No, I’m not.”

  “Yes. You are.”

  I smiled and reached out for her. Then I pulled her over my lap. She screamed as she lay facedown on the couch. Her perfect bottom was high up in the air as she wiggled around, trying to get away.

  I grunted, realizing my dick was getting hard and that there was no way to hide it from her.

  She stopped wiggling with a loud gasp.

  Oh yeah, she’d noticed alright.

  I rested one hand on her back to hold her in place and laid one over the generous globes of her delicious looking ass.

  Hmmff… it felt nice too. Really fucking nice. I smiled to myself and lifted my hand.

  Time to make it jiggle.


  “Was Dante at the Jar that night?”

  “Ow! Yes, Christ I told you!”


  “Did you see him with the vic?”

  Silence. So be it. I lifted my hand again.


  “Did you see Dante with the vic?”


  I stopped, my hand frozen in midair. I knew it was insane what I was doing. Everything I was doing.

  I was too close to the case. It was the middle of the night. The girl brought out a protective urge in me.

  But it was more than all that.

  Her shoulders were shaking. I let my hand rest on her bottom. I stroked her softly, knowing that it was dangerous.


  But Jesus it felt right.

  She sat up and stared at me. Those bright blue eyes of hers shimmered with unshed tears.

  I reached out, my head tilted as I examined her. My fingers found her cheek and noticed that they were dry. She hadn’t let a single tear fall.

  I smiled into that beautiful, perfect face of hers.



  “I’m- I’m not lying.”

  He shook his head slowly, his fingers still cupping my cheek. We’d crossed all kinds of lines in the past ten minutes.

  Maybe we’d been crossing them since we met.

  The man had me chained up and had spanked me like a child. But in that moment, I knew he was trying to keep me safe.

  I felt safe.

  And that wasn’t the weirdest thing at all. The weirdest thing, was that I wanted him to kiss me.

  I wondered if I had that syndrome when people fall in love with their captors.

  Stockholm Syndrome.

  But I’d onl
y technically been captured for twenty minutes. So… unlikely. Besides, what I was feeling wasn’t love. It couldn’t be.

  But I did seem to be devloping one hell of a crush on Connor DeWitt.

  And I had a suspicion the feeling was mutual. Which made everything even more confusing. He was trying to protect me. He hadn’t kissed me, even though it seemed like he wanted to.

  He wasn’t a guy trying to bang the waitress from The Jar with the bright blue eyes. Or maybe he was. But it didn’t feel like that.

  Besides, he wasn’t making any moves on me.

  In that moment, I almost wished that he would.

  He swallowed and I stared at his Adam’s apple as it bobbed up and down. I had an urge to run my fingers over it. Feel the roughness of his stubble.

  He stood up and I suddenly felt shockingly alone. He walked around the room, turning the lights down. He brought me a glass of water and a blanket.

  Then he took his laptop and the box of sharp objects he’d confiscated earlier. He stood at the foot of the stairs, watching me. His finger brushed the light switch on the wall and the room plunged into darkness.

  “Get some sleep.”


  ‘What the fuck are you doing DeWitt?’

  I could hear Danny in my head. I could almost see him leaning against the dresser, giving me a dark look. He sounded worried, which was a bad sign. Usually he liked the off the wall stuff.

  He was the one always telling me to loosen up. Have fun. Let the chips fall where they may.

  Well, the chips had gotten him killed and now I was in the middle of throwing my career away for revenge, and a barely legal girl. I had to admit that to myself now. I wasn’t just using her to get answers.

  I was doing something else entirely. What exactly, I had no fucking idea.

  I sprawled out on the bed and stared out the window. Dawn was just beginning to light up the sky.

  ‘Well, let’s see Danny. I have a girl chained up in my living room. I just spanked her. But what I’d really like to do is chain her to my bed.’

  Then I could fuck the truth out of her. Make her scream my name. Maybe tell me the damn truth as I toyed with her gorgeous body, teasing and touching and tasting her at will.