Ride With Me: A Possessive Cowboy Romance Read online

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  "Elle, wait! Let me help you!”

  I ran after her but she kept walking, completely ignoring me. My wheels were spinning, trying to think of a way to fix the situation. To help us both get what we wanted. Her a job. Me… her.

  Naked. In my bed. Immediately.

  "Forget it. I'll be fine. No, thanks to you."

  "Are you seriously going to walk home?"

  She stopped walking finally and stared at me. She was acting tough but she was fighting back tears, I could tell. A strange feeling in my gut made me feel like everything was upside down. It was something like regret. And worry.

  I felt protective of her, like I did towards my cousin, Phee. The way a big strong man felt towards a woman who mattered to him. Like he wanted to smash anything that made her sad. Well, not exactly the same. This was mixed up with a lot of sexual tension. But there it was, all the same.

  "Yeah, well, my roommate is my ride and she's still in there. So it's me and my feet."

  "I'll give you a ride."

  She rolled her eyes at me.

  "Yeah, right. I'll just bet you will."

  She started walking again. This was insane, I couldn't let her walk around in the dark! It wasn't safe. Especially looking the way she did. She’d get harassed by every damn guy that drove by!

  Or worse.


  I ran in front of her and held my hand out. That did it. She crossed her arms, waiting for me to speak.

  "I'll get you a job. Give me your phone."

  She stared at me in exasperation. Then she chewed on her lip, considering her options. She must have come to the same conclusion I had: she didn't have much of a choice.

  She pulled out her phone and held it up.

  "Fine. But don't be calling me for booty calls. This is strictly business."

  "Yes, absolutely. You got it."

  She sighed deeply and handed her ancient looking phone over. I felt triumphant suddenly as I typed in my number and texted myself. Then I texted her back with an address.

  "Be there tomorrow morning. 8 am. Now come on, let me drive you home."

  I grinned at her and held out my helmet.

  Slowly, very slowly, she reached out and took it.

  Chapter Ten


  I was trying my best to hold myself at a respectable distance from Jake Delancey's broad back and shoulders. And his bum. His very tight, very cute little bum.

  But it was not easy to do.

  Oh no it was definitely not easy to do.

  He was riding fast on a winding road. Faster than I would have liked, but he seemed to know what he was doing. I couldn’t lie, it was exciting. The way he handled the bike was sending thrills through my body.

  He took a sharp turn and I gasped, gripping him more tightly. I was pressed up against him now, my breasts mashing against the thin cotton of his shirt. He'd insisted I wear his jacket and helmet. Which meant that right now I was getting a really good, strong whiff of Jake Delancey.

  And he smelled good.

  Really good.

  My inner thighs were pressed up against his jeans. And since I’d still been wearing my uniform, the skirt was pushed up to the top of my thighs. I felt very exposed and more than a little bit naughty.

  If he was facing the other way, we would practically be… doing the deed. And that didn’t sound all that unappealing at the moment. Even thought my life was in shambles, I couldn’t help but wonder what would have happened if Mr. Peabody hadn’t arrived…

  Oh dear.

  I shook myself and tried to pay attention to holding on for dear life. My cheek kept brushing his shoulder, no matter which way I turned. Finally I gave in and rested my cheek against his back. Now I could really smell him.

  Oh lord. He smelled so good… so warm and manly.

  Sweet Mary and Joseph, you sound ridiculous Eleanor!

  He must have gone the long way because it was another twenty minutes or so before I recognized any of the streets near my apartment building. It was nothing fancy, that was for sure. But my apartment was clean and safe. It was more than I could have asked for really.

  So, what if all the neighbors were geriatrics? At least they were quiet. For the most part they were very sweet. Almost every day one of them baked us cookies.

  Miss Jansen lived just next door and was almost like a second grannie to me.

  I wondered what she would think of Jake. The woman never slept. I just knew she would be peeking her head out the curtains.

  Jake pulled into the lot and parked the bike. He was off in a flash, forcing me to hastily yank my skirt down over my thighs. He grinned at me, making me positive that he'd done it on purpose. He'd been trying to catch a look up my skirt, damn him.

  The man was incorrigible.

  Bloody gorgeous, but incorrigible.

  I pulled off his soft leather jacket and handed it to him. I missed the warmth and the smell of him almost immediately. Meanwhile I could still feel him pressed against me… especially his gorgeous lips.

  "I suppose I should thank you for the ride."

  He leaned back against his bike as he slid the jacket on. Somehow the man made even that simple action look over-the-top sexy. It was hard to imagine how good it would look if he was taking his clothes off.

  No Elle, don’t spend too much time thinking about that!

  "No need. I'm more than happy to give you a ride whenever you want."

  I narrowed my eyes at him. I just knew he was offering me more than a ride on his bike. He was talking about taking a ride on him.

  Too bad he'd had so many other riders. If he wasn’t so obviously a player, I would have had a hard time turning him down. I was having a hard time resisting him now, even though I knew I was just another notch on his bed post.

  "I meant what I said – don't be showing up here late at night."

  "I know, I know. No booty calls. You told me."

  He was laughing at me again.

  "What's so funny then?"

  "You are. Nobody says ‘booty call’ anymore."

  "Oh well, what do they say then?"

  "They say 'fucking', Elle,” he said as his eyes slid over me with obvious desire.

  The look on his face made it clear he meant the two of us… doing that. I gasped at his blatant invitation. My heart was pounding as he let his eyes lifted again to meet mine and then dropped again. I stood perfectly still as he blatantly checked out my body. He shook his head wryly in appreciation and pulled his helmet on.

  "Have a nice night."

  Then he drove off, leaving me with her jaw hanging open.

  Damn it all to hell.

  Jake Delancey was going to be difficult to resist indeed.

  Chapter Eleven


  I was whistling as I jogged down the stairs. It was just after 6 am. I was hungry as hell. At least that's what I told myself when I woke up so damn early.

  It wasn't because I was excited to see her.

  It definitely wasn’t because I’d been up half the night burning up with desire. Or planning what I could do to win her over. Or imagining what I would do with her when she finally let her guard down and admitted she wanted me too…

  Damn if that hot little waitress wasn't going to drive me insane with lust.

  There was just something about her. Her looks would have been enough to get my attention in the first place, but her sassy ways were holding my interest. Much longer than usual.

  Normally I would have already moved on by now. With or without a night in her bed. Bed, hell, I’d do her anywhere. A stairwell, a couch, the floor. I'd wanted to screw her in the damn bushes outside the country club. I would take what I could get and gladly.

  I definitely was not going to be picky about the details when she finally came around.

  And she would come around. It didn't matter how long it took. I was going to get my hands on that girl.

  I grinned.

  More than just my hands.

nbsp; Daniel and Jackson were just filling up their plates from the breakfast buffet. A big breakfast was a daily ritual on the estate. Had been for eighty years. When you had animals to tend to, you got up early and you ate well.

  I usually skipped it. Thus the surprised looks on their faces. I smirked. It was rare to see that look at Jackson’s face in particular. Made it worth the sleepy feeling in my eyes.

  "What are you doing up so early?" Daniel asked, looking concerned.

  "Oh come on, Daniel. He's probably still up from last night. Run out of bourbon little brother?"

  I smiled pleasantly, ignoring the stab of pain that came from Jackson's barb. Didn't they ever let up? I supposed on some level I deserved it, but I’d like to forget my sordid once in a while. Especially when I was turning over a new leaf.

  Well, sort of.

  "Good morning Daniel."

  I nodded stiffly at my eldest brother.


  Jackson just raised an eyebrow and sipped his coffee.

  The doorbell rang and my heart started thumping. I was like a damned schoolgirl with a crush! The feeling was unfamiliar and unwanted. But I couldn’t do a damn thing about it.

  Elle. She was here. Nearly in my clutches.

  I got up to meet her.

  "Are you expecting someone, Jake?"

  "Yes. A friend. I promised her a job."

  "You did what?"

  I smiled at them coolly.

  “If you want me to be a part of the business, then let me be part of the business,” and with that, I had sealed my doom. I had been waffling about staying on. But being able to help, and corner, Elle had cinched the deal.

  “So, you are in. For real?” Daniel asked.

  “I want an answer,” Jackson hollered after us.

  “Yes. I’m in. Now be nice. She matters to me,” I said over my shoulder, just looking back long enough to see both of my brothers eyebrows shoot straight up.

  Daniel and Jackson followed me to the front entry hall. Kemper, the butler, had already opened the door. A big-eyed beauty stood there, looking around in wonder.

  My big eyed beauty.

  I smiled at her, trying not to look love sick. Even if I was. I'd never been this gooey eyes over a girl before. But nobody else had to know how bad I had it.

  Especially not Elle.

  I might be willing to put in extra work to get her, but I'd be damned if I'd let a woman get the upper hand over me. That was risky. Dangerous.

  She was worth the gamble, though.

  "You made it."

  She just blinked at me, looking a little shell-shocked. I knew our house could be pretty intimidating. Maybe I should have warned her.

  “Oh, now everything makes sense. Is this your new girlfriend, Jake?”

  Elle stiffened up and gave Jackson a look that could have frozen boiling water. I remembered how hard she'd slapped me. Elle was tough as nails. I could only hope I never pissed her off when there was a real weapon around.

  Still, I’d love to see her take a whack at my domineering older brother.

  "Shut up, Jackson,” I muttered, unable to get the goofy smile off my face. It was just so nice to see her.

  "Jacks, that's our waitress from the club remember?"

  I silently thanked Daniel for his perfect memory. Daniel had a way of smoothing things over. But it was too late to stop Elle from stomping her little foot in aggravation. It was too cute for words.

  "I am not his girlfriend! I was told there was a job here after your brother cost me my job at the club. I guess I was mistaken. Good day."

  She lifted her cute little chin and turned to the door, yanking it open. Our Buttler was at a lost for words, clearly horrified when she beat him to the door. I ran to stop her from leaving. I tried to box her in with my arms but she wasn’t having it.

  "I told you I got you a job. Here."

  She gave me a stone cold glare and elbowed my chest. I stepped back and watched her walk out of the house onto the front portico.

  "Go to hell, Jake Delancey,” she said over her shoulder, those gorgeous eyes of hers flashing.

  Chapter Twelve


  "Elle, wait!"

  Jake was behind me on the front stoop of the house. Not even a stoop. It was a grand entrance with columns and urns filled with overflowing plants. I glared at him. He was not leaving me alone. I groaned in frustration, after confirming that I was now stranded far from home. The taxi that brought me out here had already left. And it was starting to rain.


  Oh well, might as well have it out before I got sopping wet. That would happen soon enough. I turned to look at Jake. I refused to let him see how intimidated I was by his house, damn him.

  He wasn’t just wealthy. He was uber wealthy. Jake was a one percenter.

  "You really live here?" I could have smacked myself for the wonder in my voice. I was not impressed by material goods, damnit!

  He leaned against one of the columns and smiled at me, a smug look on his face.

  "Uh huh. Sometimes, anyway."

  Sweet Mary. Jake wasn't just rich. He was rich rich.

  And he was having an awful lot of fun at my expense!

  I lifted my chin, doing my best to hide the tears that were threatening. The cupboard was bare at home, in more ways than one. I had missed my free meal at the club the night before, thanks to him. I was hungry and cold and he was messing with me. It wasn't nice and it wasn't fair!

  "Did you bring me here to humiliate me then?"

  He paled and stood up straight. He looked horrified.

  "No! I promised you a job. We're always looking for good people. Isn't that right, Jackson?"

  I turned. His arrogant brothers were watching the whole exchange through the open door. This kept getting better.

  They looked so rich and handsome standing there in their fine clothes. It made me feel like a sad sack of potatoes in my second hand skirt and blouse. I glared at Jake again, wishing I had stronger shoes on. Work boots with steel toes, like the boys back home wore.

  If I did, I could kick him.

  "We are always looking for good people actually. If you are looking,” he said, extending a hand. I took it and shook it warily. “I am Jackson Delancey. This is my brother Daniel. I can see you already know Jake.”

  I narrowed my eyes and took in Jake's older brother, Jackson Delaney. I had asked about the family at the club. I knew about him. Everyone knew about him. He was the shrewdest businessman in the state of Tennessee. He was known for being cold and decisive. He wouldn't offer me a job out of pity… right?

  I pulled myself up straight, lifting my chin.

  "I see nothing wrong with a hard days work."

  I glared at Jake who was watching me with a look of pure fascination. And admiration. And full tilt desire.

  The man was practically drooling.

  I pointed my finger at him, poking him in the chest.

  "But I don't work nights."

  Jackson let out a sharp bark of laughter. Daniel was smiling too when I glanced at him. I relaxed a little.

  "I like her already. Come on, Eleanor. Let's introduce you to Mrs. Garretty, our housekeeper. I apologize for our earlier… misunderstanding."

  "Think nothing of it, Mr. Delancey,”

  I said breezily, as if I wasn’t intimidated. As if I hadn’t been humiliated and embarrassed. I followed Jackson into the house, ignoring Jake completely. I could feel him following along behind me, hovering like a mother hen.

  It was with supreme satisfaction that I watched Jackson close the door to the housekeeper's office. Right in Jake’s handsome face.

  Chapter Thirteen


  This was hell. I was in hell and there was an angel serving drinks.

  I dumped a shot of bourbon into my eggnog. Well, maybe a bit more than a shot. I was getting drunk. But not quite drunk enough for this. Not yet anyway. It was a long-standing tradition, one our mother had adored. But I
had always hated it, even as a child.

  The annual Delancey Stables Christmas party.

  A celebration of rich old fat cats and the reigning class of Brentwood, Tennessee. Plus, the horse people were in attendance, of course. I didn't mind the horse people so much, even if they were mostly rich as hell. At least they worked for a living.

  Well, kind of.

  Elle was here too. Hiding from me somewhere, no doubt. She'd been working here for two weeks now. Driving me crazy by always being in view but just out of reach. She had gotten very good at ignoring me.

  My plans of seduction were not going well, much to my brothers delight.

  I’d had extensive and well planned fantasies of having her at my beck and call. Close at hand so I could make my moves on her. Land her quickly and painlessly. Not that I usually needed moves to get a girl in bed. Even one as gorgeous as Elle, not that I’d met anyone who came close. Hell, not even movie stars looked like her. Not really.

  Usually I just had to snap my fingers. I tried to imagine Elle running over and plopping her sweet ass in my lap just because I told her to. Kind of like a stunningly beautiful, proud, ornery but obedient kitty cat.

  I snorted out loud, earning me a reproving look from one of my great aunts.

  Fat chance.

  There was no comparison anyway. There simply weren't any women as good looking as her. And she seemed blissfully unconcerned with how she looked, or the effect she was having on me. She was just worried about keeping a roof over her head and food in her belly.

  Not that I could fault her for that. She didn’t come from much. And she had risked it all to come to the Untied States.

  I'd seen the way she looked around the kitchen or when she was serving food. It made my insides twist to think she'd been going hungry. I’d finally realized that she was living off the meals they gave the staff and made sure the chef increased portions for everyone so she wouldn't feel uncomfortable about it.