Ride With The Devil (The Devil's Riders Book 2) Page 4
The crowd was like a pack of damn wolves.
And she was the lamb.
The girl was too damn gorgeous for her own good.
Jack had to stop himself from throwing his jacket over her. He was frozen in place, his eyes glued to her, feeling utterly enraged. A group of college guys at a nearby table started chanting.
Jack felt his blood begin to boil. Devlin was beside him in an instant. Kaylie looked freaked out too.
But Jack only had eyes for her.
Red. He saw red.
"I see what you mean, man. Come on Janet, let's get out of here."
Kaylie scooped up Janet's clothes from the storage room and grabbed Janet's arm. She had the good sense to look a little concerned when one of the guys stepped in front of her.
Before Jack could move the little turd reached out to grab her breast. Jack shoved him backwards with one hand and then elbowed his buddy in the chin when he tried to intervene.
Without turning Jack drove his heel down into the little shit's foot and heard a snap. The guy let out a blood curdling wail. Jack ignored him and threw 20 bucks on the counter top.
“For the uniform.”
It was over in less than a minute.
Chapter Thirteen
Janet was shaking as they practically ran out of the mall toward the parking lot. Once they were outside she wrapped her arms around her bare midriff. She had worn far less as a ballet dancer, but she had never felt more naked in her life.
She hadn't been expecting that. They'd made her feel like a stripper. Worse, they'd made her feel like she was for sale. Like she didn’t deserve respect.
Thank God she hadn't been alone…
Kaylie helped her pull her shirt over the trashy tank top. She was trying not to cry. It didn’t work.
She was fruitlessly wiping away the tears when she caught Jack staring at her. She narrowed her eyes at him, not in the mood for his disapproval. She already felt foolish, she didn’t need him to rub it in.
"Why do you do that?"
"I don't know what you are talking about."
"Yes. You do."
She looked away, suddenly feeling more exposed than she had in the restaurant. The funny thing was, she did know. He wanted to know why she craved the attention. She licked her lips, unsure how to answer.
"You okay, ‘Nettie?”
Kaylie was back, putting her arm around Janet's shoulders. She nodded and stood up straight. No harm done. She’d been through worse. Her whole life people had poked and prodded her, both as a dancer and at home.
Nothing she ever did was good enough.
Shake it off girl.
She would just have to find a job somewhere else.
"I'm good, thanks."
Devlin looked relieved that she wasn't going to cry anymore. She almost smiled at the way he was already treating her like an older brother. It was adorable.
And it was really nice to know he had her back.
"We better go. I need to get these two little missies home to their mamas."
Kaylie giggled at Devlin as he pulled her into his arms for a kiss.
Janet opened her mouth and said something that surprised even her.
"Jack is taking me."
Kaylie's mouth dropped open for a full minute before slowly widening into a huge grin. Devlin looked thrilled.
She slid her eyes sideways, peeking at the huge man standing beside her. Jack hadn't said a word but Dev and Kaylie's big smiles had clearly irritated him. Devlin slapped him on the back. Hard.
"Alright, man! Have a good night."
And then they were gone, leaving Janet standing all alone with Jack in the mall parking lot. The big man had barely said a word to her, other than to ask her why she was such an idiot.
Typically, that made her like him even more.
He shifted his eyes toward her and raised an eyebrow. She lifted her chin. She wasn't going to let him intimidate her.
"So? Are we just going to stand here all night?"
He grunted and grabbed her arm, pulling her toward his bike.
Chapter Fourteen
Jack stared straight ahead, trying to focus on the road. He'd never ridden with anyone on the back of his bike before. He could feel her slender arms wrapped around his waist with surprising strength. She had a good grip for such a tiny thing.
That's right. Kaylie had said she'd been a dancer. It made sense with the graceful way she moved with him on the bike, unconsciously leaning into the turns with him.
He'd given her his helmet and thrust her onto the seat, trying not to stare at her spread thighs beneath him. Those orange shorts clung to her body in a way that should have been illegal.
He’d climbed on and started the bike without hesitation. He made sure she understood that he was annoyed with her. That this ride was a one time thing.
All without saying a word.
The mall was a half an hour from town, which gave him plenty of time to enjoy her body pressed against his back. And he was enjoying it. A lot.
He groaned inwardly. It was his front he'd like her pressed against. He wanted her. Badly. He might as well stop lying to himself about it. The little minx was getting to him whether he liked it or not.
And for some reason, she seemed to like him too.
He wanted to fuck her. She liked the attention. That was all it was.
But maybe, it was enough.
Maybe he should bed her.
He'd make it clear that it was just the once- one long night for him to get out all his frustrations. Or maybe a couple of times, until he got her out of his system.
That would give him time to explore her, to take her all the different ways he wanted to… yes, that was a much better plan.
He'd taste her first. Then once she was writhing in ecstasy, he'd slide into her body and wrap those long, elegant legs around his hips. Then he'd ride her, as hard as he wanted to.
He'd show her that he wasn't the sort of man to be trifled with. He would be rough, but not too rough. Afterwards he'd tell her to wait quietly until he wanted her again. It probably wouldn't take too long, given the state she'd put him in these last couple of days.
He'd take her from behind the next time. So he could see that sweet little ass up close. He almost lost his focus on the road at the thought.
His mind wandered again. Toward the end of the night he'd be gentle with her. Maybe he'd even let her be on top. She'd look good riding him. Then he'd drop her off at her house and that would be it.
She'd be out of his system. For good.
It was an excellent idea.
It was a terrible idea.
He knew Dev wouldn't like it if he treated his old lady's best friend as a disposable lay. Hell, he wouldn't like it either. The girl deserved more than that.
She was proud. He didn't want to humble her. That surprised him. He'd never thought about a woman's feelings before. Or his own.
Jack didn't allow himself to have feelings at all.
Best to leave her alone. It'd be safer for everyone. She was too delicate to handle what he wanted to dish out on her. And he didn't want to make those beautiful aqua eyes fill up with tears when he was done with her.
But when he parked in front of her house and stood up, his good intentions fled. She was staring up at him as she struggled to remove her helmet. He reached out and brushed her hands aside, easily opening the latch. Her hands stilled underneath his at the look on his face.
He could tell she was feeling it too- whatever this crazy feeling was.
Before he knew it, he'd hauled her up off the bike and into his arms. He grunted as her sweet little body pressed against the hard wall of his chest. Her breasts pressed into him as her eyes opened wide. His mouth was on hers before either one of them knew what was happening.
Dear God.
White hot lust pierced him as he plundered
her sweet, willing mouth with his tongue. His hands were all over her, caressing, touching, feeling, until they settled on her bottom. Then everything changed.
He yanked her against his erection with tremendous force. His cock was practically burning a hole in his jeans. It was so eager to get to her it felt like it would chew its way out.
She made a startled little sound beneath him and reality came crashing back in. He tore his mouth away from hers with a soft curse and climbed back onto his bike. He felt her hand on his shoulder but shook it off.
"Wait- your helmet."
"Keep it."
He didn't turn to look at her. He realized suddenly that he was afraid to. Afraid of what he might do.
"Jack- why are you angry at me? I- I like you."
Her soft admission sent an odd feeling to the pit of his stomach. Something twisted open inside him. He pushed it down as hard as he could.
"You don't want to mess with a guy like me."
"What if I do?"
"Trust me. You don't."
He drove away without a backward glance. He wouldn't see her again. It was too risky.
If Dev asked him to escort her somewhere again, he'd explain that he didn't like the girl. That she got on his nerves with her flashy ways and girlish laughter. It was a lie but it didn’t matter.
It was better that way. Safer.
He drove away, satisfied that the matter was behind him.
But he couldn’t forget the one thing that had gotten past his defenses.
She'd been kissing him back like she wanted him as badly as he wanted her.
Chapter Fifteen
He knew where she lived.
That was the first thought Janet had as she watched him ride away. He'd known without asking. He’d just driven her home, as if it were perfectly normal.
And then he’d kissed her. Not a normal kiss. A ferocious, soul deep, toe curling, hotter than actual Hades kiss.
But what did it mean?
Janet had a sinking feeling that she was in terrible trouble. Not just her life, which was a damn mess. But now she had a strong certainty that she wasn't going to forget Jack, his eyes, or his kiss any time soon.
If ever.
He wanted her as much as she wanted him.
She knew that now. He’d given her no doubt.
She could feel it in the way he held her, touched her, kissed her with an urgency that had taken her breath away. And yet he was the one who'd pulled back when they both knew she wouldn't have stopped him from going further.
She would have climbed on that bike and followed him straight to hell if he'd asked her.
Maybe it was a good thing he hadn't. Maybe he was trying to protect her from him, the lifestyle, everything. He’d been noble, trying to warn her away.
Well, Janet wasn’t having it.
Who was going to protect her from herself and her foolish wish to be near him?
She stared down at the helmet in her hands. She'd loved riding with him. His confidence on the road had been incredibly attractive. Everything about him was appealing to her.
Not just his strong masculine body or soulful eyes. Not just the way he smelled like leather and smoke. Not just his long hair or bad boy tattoos. Him.
All of him.
She walked into the house and straight into her room. She kicked off her shoes and crawled into the bed, still cradling the helmet.
She was in trouble. Deep, deep trouble.
But what was she going to do about it?
Chapter Sixteen
The wrench slipped in his hand. He cursed, staring at the bike he’d been working on. It was a passion project, not for a client.
Something he’d bought years ago, not knowing why.
There was something about the vintage ride- the lines of it. The grace in the heavy metal.
It was a smaller bike. Something that a lady might ride. Not that he had a lady, or wanted one.
But after years of collecting dust, he’d decided to pull it out.
He needed something to do with his hands. He couldn’t sleep. And he couldn’t have her either.
So he put his head down and worked.
That was his way.
Nothing like hard work to clear a man’s mind. Or sex. But that was not on the menu.
Not with the one he wanted anyway.
He groaned, pressing down on his hard on. The one he’d had for hours. Days really. But especially since that kiss. He knew he should just deal with it, but he didn’t want to even acknowledge it. He couldn’t admit to himself what had happened.
What had almost happened. Because he’d been inches away from tearing her clothes off and fucking her on the back of his bike.
Neighbors be dammed.
That was stupid. And Jack was never stupid. Except, apparently, when it came to one hot little pain in the ass redhead.
Why the hell had he kissed her?
And how could she have felt so good in his arms?
Nothing had ever felt that good. Or felt that right. Not one thing in his Godforsaken life.
It was as if all the pieces fell into place at once. Just from touching her. Holding her.
Just from giving in.
But giving in was the last thing he was ever going to do.
He grabbed the wrench and started working.
Chapter Seventeen
Janet leaned back on the blanket and thumbed through the brochure. In the back there were a few pages that had blank spaces for her to fill out. If she had the courage to.
It was all right there, in the palm of her hand. So why was she so scared to start?
Application for Physical Therapist Program
She sighed. It was a two year program at the local branch of the State School. The same one Kaylie attended. It was perfect.
And it also… wasn’t.
The state university wasn't cheap and she wouldn't qualify for student aid. Not with her mediocre grades and her parents wealth. Plus she’d only done one and a half semesters.
Hardship case? Not likely. They didn’t give scholarships for ex-ballet dancers who hated homework.
She was screwed.
She highly doubted her parents were going to help her at this point. She wasn’t sure she would take the money if they offered it. Her mother had already hinted many times that they planned to cut her off, well before she’d dropped out of school.
They'd never been particularly affectionate, but they had been proud of her dancing career. Before the accident. Now they didn't seem to know what to do with her.
Or even care.
Janet rolled over onto her back and stared at the fluffy white clouds overhead. She smoothed down her floral sundress to cover her knees. She wondered what Jack would say. Or rather, not say. She touched her lips softly, remembering the kiss from the night before.
She sighed and closed her eyes.
Day dreaming about Jack definitely wasn’t going to help.
She'd just have to get a job and go to school part time. Maybe she and Kaylie could get an apartment together. She needed to get out of the house, that much was for sure.
And maybe Jack would be in the picture too. The big, scary biker was softer than he looked. He had a kind heart. She knew that instinctively.
She also knew he wanted her, but he didn’t want to want her.
"What am I going to do Kaylie?"
Her friend sat beside her, taking notes for her history exam. She put her book down and sipped some lemonade.
"You'll figure something out, Nettie. I'll help you."
"Yeah… but what?"
"You'll get a job and apply to the program and then we'll see. I believe in miracles you know."
Janet rolled her eyes and turned onto her side.
"Right. Just like that."
She snapped her fingers. Kaylie giggled and squirted lemonade at her through her straw.
"Hey! And I was going to ask yo
u to move in with me!"
Kaylie sobered quickly and looked away. Janet's eyes widened. Something was up with Kaylie, that was for sure.
"What is it? You don't want to be my roommate?"
"No. It's not that. It's just that- well, Dev asked me to move in with him."
Janet squealed and threw her arms around Kaylie.
"Oh my God! That's amazing!"
"I don't know. It's kind of a big step. And then my mother would be alone."
"Maybe I can move in with her instead."
Janet flopped back onto her back and stared up at the sky. Kaylie laughed.
"Sometimes I think I'm too young to get serious with Dev but other times… I love him so much, you know?"
"I can tell. He loves you too. You are both really lucky. I wonder if I will ever be loved like that.“
"Come on Nettie, don't tell me you didn't find someone at school. You're gorgeous!”
“Ugh, stop. You are the beauty queen.”
“I’m serious Janet. I mean you always were pretty, but now, you look like a movie star!"
Janet rolled her eyes.
"Jack doesn't think so."
Kaylie lit up and clapped her hands together.
"Oooooh…. I knew something was going on!"
"Unfortunately, that is not the case."
"Do you like him? I could have sworn I saw some sparks flying."
"I thought I did. But he has no interest in me whatsoever."
Kaylie chewed her lip.
“Well, I’ve never seen him with any of- the girls who hang around. Dev said he doesn’t mess around with the easy pickings.”
“Really?” Janet sat up and then slumped down just as quickly. “He doesn’t like me though. I thought he did but… I was wrong.”
"I wouldn't be too sure. Jack's the most loyal person I know. He hides his feelings though. Still waters run deep."
Janet just snorted. That was one way to put it. Kaylie nudged her in the shoulder.
"What happened? Tell me!"