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Ride With Me: A Possessive Cowboy Romance Page 2
Ride With Me: A Possessive Cowboy Romance Read online
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All except me.
God, I hated this place.
Not only was it filled with ostentatious, rich, privileged old bastards but, even worse, the food sucked. They did have decent bourbon behind the bar, though. If only I could get someone to give it to me straight. The bartender kept putting ice in my drinks.
Someone must have warned them about the youngest Delancey brother.
Everybody around here knew who I was. I had a reputation for being bad. Not violent bad. But hide your daughters and the good booze, kind of bad. Not that I gave a shit what any of these rich fucks thought of me.
It's not that I wasn't allowed at the club. I just wasn't allowed without supervision. Not since the last time. I’d only been twelve years old at the time, but that was old enough to sneak behind the bar and steal a bottle of booze. I’d drank the whole damn thing with my brothers Daniel and Jackson.
We’d all gotten too drunk to walk straight but I’d been the one who drove the golf cart straight through the front window of the pro shop. I’d been the one who caused Daniel to break his arm in the crash. And I’d been the one who was shipped off to military school.
What a laugh. That place taught you discipline sure, but only by learning how to take a beating. Or worse. Thankfully, I’d been more than ready and willing to fight back. I’d left almost the instant I turned eighteen, thankfully it was nearly the day of graduation. I’d waited to get my diploma, even though I didn’t have much need for it. And that was only because my mother had begged me to finish.
Even I couldn't turn down a woman who was dying.
I snapped back to the present with a jolt. Thinking about her never brought any ease. It was just a pile of regrets.
My brother Daniel was asking me something. I realized I was staring at her again. I tore my eyes away from the girl I’d been watching since we walked in. It wasn't easy to do.
‘Beautiful’ didn’t even start to do her justice. Yes, she was physically astonishing looking. The girl was brimming with energy and magnetism. She knew it, too.
I could tell that from just from looking at her.
"I said, are you back to stay? We could really use the help now that Dad—"
"Shut up Daniel."
I rolled my eyes at my eldest brother Jackson. Of course they weren't keeping me in the loop. I wasn't one of them. Not anymore. I hadn't been since that day they let me take all the heat fifteen years before.
Besides, I wanted to go back to looking at her.
I’d been staring at the waitress all night. Jesus, I’d never seen anything like her. Those huge green eyes, the startlingly pretty face, the lips. Never mind the jet-black hair, porcelain skin, legs that went on forever.
It was the voice that I hadn't been able to get out of my mind.
Husky and rich but utterly feminine. And with an Irish lilt that was somehow lyrical, soothing, and arousing, all at the same time.
I felt like I was tied up in knots, and I hadn't even taken the time yet to really check out those magnificent tits of hers.
That's what her name tag said.
Unfortunately she had disappeared from the room again. Presumably to work, but it felt like she was hiding to annoy me. I shut my eyes, trying to conjure her up again. I could bear my brother's pompous yammering if I had something good to look at.
Not good. A-fucking-mazing.
Fuck it, might as well go and find her.
"I need another drink."
Jackson put his hand out to stop me.
"I think you've had enough, Jake."
I shook his hand off with a sneer.
“Nice try, brother. I don’t take orders from anyone, least of all you.”
I stood and walked toward the back of the room. That's where she kept disappearing to. The staff was probably having a party back here. That's what I would do if I worked here. Laughing at the rich people. Most of the people here looked miserable, no matter how much money they had. Like they all had sticks up their asses. Like they all needed to get laid.
So, yeah, I was pretty sure the staff made fun of us and spat in our drinks. Not that I blamed them. They were young and hard working, not born to money like all these pompous fucks.
Lord knows we deserved it.
I stumbled a bit on the downward slope of the hallway leading into the bowels of the kitchen. I wrinkled my nose at the smell as I passed an open doorway. It must be where they rolled out the trash. Not so glamorous back here after all.
Not that that distracted me. Nothing could dissuade me from finding my target. I was a heat seeking missile and she was a big juicy X marks the spot. I peeked into several storage rooms but didn't see her so I kept going. At last I pushed open a doorway and was confronted with fresh air and the smell of —
I was about to turn around when I saw her.
There she was, about ten feet away. She was palming a smoke in the back alleyway behind the club. I smiled as I spotted my prey. There she was, all gorgeous and ripe for the plucking, like a juicy peace hanging from a tree.
"Here kitty kitty kitty kitty."
She lifted her face. She looked annoyed at the interruption. More than annoyed. Pissed. But Goddamn if she didn't look stunningly beautiful all the same.
Hell, maybe being angry made her even prettier.
"I'm not a damn cat."
I grinned at her, leaning against the wall. Nothing could make me upset at the moment. I was staring at the most beautiful girl in the world. Life was good.
"I know that."
She rolled her eyes at me, taking a drag of her smoke.
"What do you want then?"
I grinned at her happily. Just being out here talking to her was more excitement than I’d had in years. Hell, maybe even my whole damned life. I’d never felt so alive.
Up close she was even prettier than I’d thought.
Too pretty almost. And full of piss and vinegar apparently.
I cracked a smile and she looked alarmed. Not scared, thank God. Just… a little nervous.
This was going to be fun.
Chapter Four
With eyes like that, the boy could seduce a Saint.
But you’re no Saint, honey.
I felt shell shocked. All night this rich pretty boy had been eyeballing me, not even being subtle about it. I’d ignored him of course, trying to squelch the butterflies that flew around my stomach every time I’d walked through the main dining room.
Now I was face to face with the bluest pair of eyes I had ever seen. The same eyes that had been undressing me all night. The same eyes that were making me feel strangely on edge since I’d first laid eyes on him.
Those eyes were trouble. I knew that. Especially since they belonged to someone so rich, arrogant and handsome.
Too handsome.
"Tsk tsk, such a bad girl smoking on country club property. It's against the rules. Or didn't you know that?"
I gasped, dropping my smoke. I couldn't lose this job. And I didn't want to get Shirley in trouble for hiring me.
"Please— don't say anything. I could get fired."
I hated the pleading sound in my voice. I sounded like a little girl who was begging for candy. But who knew how long it would take me to find another job if I lost this one? I couldn’t risk it. And I couldn’t
The bastard's cold smile grew even wider.
"What will you do for me? If I keep quiet?"
My jaw seemed to literally drop open. He was smirking at me, his eyes wandering up and down my body. I could actually feel his eyes leaving little trails of heat all over my skin.
Of all the bloody nerve!
"Nothing. Tell them if you want. I'm not for sale,” I lifted my chin and held back the tears that threatened to spill, embarrassing me. Making me seem weak. I couldn’t do this to Shirl… I was so angry at myself for getting into this position, I could have screamed.
I tried t
o brush past blue eyes but he grabbed my arm, dropping his drink in the process. I got splattered with his bourbon as he held me immobile by his side with his iron grip. We stared into each other eyes for a breathless moment.
Then he stepped back and lifted his hands in the air.
"I was just kidding, darlin'. I just wanted to bum a smoke."
Angry tears sprung to my eyes. He was such a jerk! Teasing me like that. And he was teasing me, I could tell. I felt foolish, knowing I’d overreacted. And with a guest, no less.
He smiled at me beseechingly, those stunning blue eyes of his wide and innocent.
"I swear on my life that I would never rat you out. And I'm too stupid for blackmail. No matter how tempting it might be,” he said with an admiring glance at my face.
I cursed and laughed. He was just drunk. A buffoon certainly. A pig, most likely. Well, that remained to be seen. Either way, he was a guest of the club and had to be treated accordingly. Besides, I kind of liked his verve.
I shook my head and pulled out a cigarette, lighting it for him. He took a long grateful drag and offered me a puff.
"No, thanks."
"Suit yourself. I'm Jake by the way."
"Yeah, I kind of noticed that."
He smirked at me, gesturing to my name tag.
I stared at him, knowing I should go. He was wearing a club tie and jacket— kept on hand for those who couldn't be bothered to dress nicely enough. Usually that meant poor relations. But that wasn’t exactly how I was reading him.
No, he didn't look like a poor relation at all.
What he looked like was a hawk in a dovecote. A falcon in a room full of canaries. He looked lawless somehow. Not like the average stuck up stiff who came in here.
He looked raw. Rowdy.
I shook myself. I was here to work, not moon over the guests. Especially not the rude ones who reeked of bourbon. No matter how blue their eyes were. Or how broad their shudders were. Or how they made me feel like there were a million butterflies in my stomach.
"Eleanor Gavin! What is the meaning of this? You are needed upstairs on the floor."
Hell and damnation.
My stomach dropped at the sound of my supervisor’s shrill voice. The butterflies were gone. In their place was a giant cannonball of doom.
Mr. Peabody had found me. This was not good. He had been looking for a reason to get rid of me. A lump formed in my stomach at the thought of telling Shirley I’d gotten fired. Hopefully it wouldn't reflect badly on my friend.
Never mind I had no other prospects for work. The band didn’t pay. Not yet.
I knew it would though. It had to. Somehow I would make it through.
But instead of getting fired, I watched in awe as Mr. Blue Eyes turned around and made my supervisor turn stark white. The stodgy old fart actually looked intimidated.
I could have sworn I saw Mr. Peabody's mustache quiver.
"Mr. Delancey! I'm sorry sir, I didn't see you there. This is an employee only section. And there's no smoking on the grounds."
"My fault entirely. Eleanor came out here to tell me the same thing and I waylaid her. She was only being polite. It’s not her fault that she’s so pretty.”
I glanced at him in shock then covered quickly. He was handling Mr. Peabody like a pro! I sent a silent prayer of thanks heavenward. Thank the good lord in heaven!
I kept a composed look on my face, but inside my wheels were spinning. Jake Delancey had just done me a favor. He’d done me more than a favor, he’d saved my ass.
He was after something.
Don’t be stupid Elle, you know what he is after.
He was after me.
Hopefully he didn't expect anything in return for it. Thought part of me would be happy to show him my gratitude and appreciation. A part that I’d been trying to ignore since the moment our eyes had locked in the dining room at the start of dinner service.
"Alright, Eleanor. You may return to your station. And Mr. Delancey, please put that out if you don't mind."
“Of course,” he said, taking one last deep drag, simultaneously throwing me a meaningful look and a wink.
I nodded regally and sailed past Mr. Peabody with my head held high. I could feel Jake's eyes on me as I walked back into the building.
Check that.
I could feel his eyes on my ass.
Oh yes, he was definitely interested in more than bumming a smoke.
Well, I thought peevishly, if he did expect anything from me in return for covering, Mr. Blue Eyes Delancey would just have to get used to disappointment. After all, my Mother had raised me right. I was not the sort of girl who put out for spoiled rich boys, no matter how handsome they were.
All the same, those blue eyes stayed with me. Blue eyes, smoke, and the smell of the top shelf bourbon he’d spilled on my uniform. And for some mysterious reason I found myself smiling the rest of the night.
Chapter Five
Eleanor. Just her name was enough to make my pulse pound and my cock hard. I hadn’t felt like this in years, if ever. I should have been annoyed. I should have run. Instead, I was smiling.
Even with the overwhelming sense of doom that seemed to pervade the mansion.
I stared into the gas fireplace. My brothers had said they wanted to talk to me alone. So I was sitting here in the study, waiting for them to get on with it. It was marginally easier to pay attention now that we were home, without that sexy waitress to look at.
But barely.
I couldn't get her out of my head.
"Jake, are you listening?"
I swirled my glass, making the ice clink against the crystal.
"Uh huh."
"I told you he'd be difficult,” I heard a voice say and looked up.
Daniel was bitching about me to Jackson. Nothing new there. The two of them were thick as thieves. I was the one on the outside. Always.
Even way back when I was a little boy who idolized his two big brothers. I’d trailed after them, wanting to be just like them. But instead, somehow I always ended up doing the wrong thing. Breaking the rules. Getting a whooping from dad.
Nothing had changed.
Well, except that mom was gone. The once happy home had disappeared without her like a mirage. And now our father was ill. It was impossible to imagine the tall, strapping, powerful man in poor health. But he was. No one would tell me how ill though. Or what was wrong with him. But since the old man had actually looked glad to see me when I’d showed up out of the blue, I could guess that it was pretty bad.
I wasn’t sure how to feel about that. The old man and I had never seen eye to eye. That was an understatement. I didn’t like the old man. But I didn’t want him dead.
"Spit it out,” I said without heat.
Jackson laughed and stood up to pour himself a drink. Then he turned and stared at me. I was starting to get a feeling that something more serious was on the table.
“Look… It's about dad's will."
"Will? He's alive the last I checked. Isn't he? That seems a bit premature."
Jackson ran his hands through his hair.
"He's dying Jake. I'm sorry to be the one to tell you."
I inhaled sharply. Then I took a drink. I realized I wasn’t surprised.
I had known that on some level. The old man's skin had a slightly yellow tint to it. And he’d lost weight. Our father was always a big, tall, muscular man. Now he looked frail. It was more than just getting older.
He was wasting away.
No, I wasn’t surprised at all.
So why did I feel like there was a rock sitting in my gut?
Jackson looked sincere though. He did look sorry. For once. I finished my drink in one swallow.
"He wants us to run Delancey Estates. Together."
My eyebrows shot up. Now, that was a surprise. Jackson and Daniel had been running things under ou
r father’s supervision for years. As far as I was concerned, that's the way it should be. The golden boys should do what they were born and bred to do.
Be golden.
"So run it. What's it got to do with me?"
Daniel spoke up then, looking earnest.
"It has to be all three of us. It's one of the codicils. It's all three of us, or none."
"What? If I don't stay, nobody gets to stay here?”
I stared at my brothers but they didn't blink. The wily old man had really put me up against a wall now. Hell, he'd put us all up against a wall.
"We need you Jake. It’s not just about the will. No one can work the difficult horses like you can."
I stood up and crossed to the bar. I poured a generous helping into my glass and drank. Then I refilled it again.
"That was a lifetime ago."
Jackson grabbed my arm.
"This is here and now— why can't you let go of the past? No one meant to hurt you. Least of all mom. And she sure as shit didn't deserve to die without seeing her son."
I knocked Jackson's hand away.
"You know I couldn't come back. And you know why."
I glanced at Daniel.
"Goodnight Daniel. I'm sorry about your— problem— but I can't do a damn thing about it."
I turned and left the room without a backward glance.
Chapter Six
The smell of stale beer and sawdust filled the air. And it was the sweetest damned smell in the world. Lights shone in my eyes and I opened them wider, wanting to take in every single detail. Every moment.
I leaned into the microphone, singing with everything I had. This was it. The band finally had a gig booked a couple of weeks from now. It was our first. And the club owner Tom was there to watch rehearsal, even though it was off hours.