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Ride With The Devil (The Devil's Riders Book 2) Page 2
Ride With The Devil (The Devil's Riders Book 2) Read online
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Well, except in a fight.
Then he came in real fucking handy.
Jack stood well over six feet tall and was built like a freight train. With broad shoulders and a massive heavily muscled chest over narrow waist and hips, he was in peak physical condition.
He'd lost the last of his extra padding in the last few years when he'd finally stopped drinking himself into oblivion every night. With his tattoos, muscular physique and streaming long dark hair, he'd earned himself a slew of embarrassing nicknames over the years.
Unfortunately there was one that stuck.
The Viking.
He never responded to the joking around with more than a level stare. The joking usually stopped immediately.
He didn't like to be teased, or taken less than seriously. But he put up with it, because he liked being in the thick of it with his fellow Spawn.
His life had been so desolate before he'd been initiated. He'd ridden alone for years, hitting the road when he was just 15 on the back on a stolen bike. He was still isolated in a lot of ways, but at least he wasn't alone.
For the first time in his life, he knew there'd be someone to cry at his funeral.
His brothers.
Chapter Three
Here we go…
Janet exhaled and forced herself to relax as she followed Kaylie into the clubhouse. Years of dance training had given her a rail straight spine. She reminded herself to slouch a little, and to keep her strides short.
Sometimes people thought she was stuck up because of her posture. She wasn't a snot, though she certainly wasn't a shrinking violet. She relaxed her body, letting it sway naturally, sinking into her hips when she walked.
Do not walk like a freaking ballet dancer!
She stared around the clubhouse as Kaylie led her to the bar room. The place was bigger than she'd thought. Not that she’d ever seen past the twelve foot chain link fence that surrounded the compound before.
You needed an invite to get in, and the club wasn’t in the habit of inviting in high school girls. As far as she knew anyway.
She tried not to look wide eyed, but damn!
It was literally as if the most bad ass, honky tonk bar had been plopped down in the middle of the huge building, far from prying eyes. There was a long dark wood bar with a brass railing, fully stocked, two stripper poles on either end of the room, and chairs and tables everywhere.
And men. Lots and lots of men.
They all turned to look at them when they walked in. Every single guy in the joint gave her the look over. Janet looked around and saw a few seriously underdressed women here and there.
She smiled to herself. Her mini skirt and tank top were practically modest. Not as modest as Kaylie's outfit, but close.
Devlin made a beeline for them, kissing Kaylie quickly before holding out his hand in greeting. God, he was cute. Janet couldn't help but be a little envious of the adoring way he was staring at her friend.
There was no doubt in her mind that he loved Kaylie.
Of course, it was kind of hard not to love Kaylie. Janet had adored her since they were little girls playing in the sandbox together. Didn’t matter that Janet’s family was wealthy or that Kaylie and her single mom lived in a less desirable part of town.
It had been friendship at first sight. Nothing, and no one had been able to keep them apart since.
Well, other than the whole leaving town to pursue a classical dance career part.
She sighed dreamily, wondering if anyone would ever look at her the way Devlin looked at her friend.
The crowds parted as he led them over to the bar. Without a word a few guys got up to vacate stools for them. She and Kaylie hopped onto the stools as a handsome guy with spiky black hair and bright blue eyes came over to take their orders.
"You must be Janet. I've heard a lot about you. I'm Donahue."
Janet blushed a little bit. What had Kaylie said about her to these guys? And why would a tough as nails biker give a shit?
From what she could see, they used up women like tissue paper. But Kaylie was in a protected class, and because of that, Janet was too.
It wasn’t just that she was the MC’s President’s old lady. It's because they cared about Kaylie, Janet realized.
Kaylie was one of them now.
Janet had never belonged to any group. Even as a dancer it had been a mostly solitary occupation.
Her abilities growing up had set her so far above the rest of the local talent that no one had really talked to her. Except her teacher Mrs. Lewis, who adored her. And other dancers in the company had seen her as a threat. Until the accident.
Now she was just plain old Janet Mahoney.
"Thanks. It's… nice to meet you too."
"What can I get you lovely ladies this evening?"
She glanced at Kaylie who smiled conspiratorially and leaned forward.
"Two sea breezes please."
Donnie rolled his eyes at the girly order, making them giggle. There were two other guys behind the bar running around and doing the grunt work but Donnie made their drinks, even adding fresh fruit.
They turned around on their bar stools to include Devlin. He waved to a man across the room and he started over.
Janet's heart did a little flip flop at the sight of him. Now there was a biker. Tall and lean and mean looking.
He had long dark hair and was dressed in leather pants and a club jacket, with a black t-shirt underneath. His worn in jeans hugged thighs as thick as tree trunks. And his calves were so big they filled out his jeans. His feet were big too. She shivered as he got closer and she saw his eyes.
No man should have eyes that beautiful. Not in a face made out of granite. And they were dark- so deep and secret that they looked black. His lips were full and sensual even though he looked like he hadn’t smiled in a century.
He didn't look to the left or the right as he walked toward them. It was kind of like she was staring at the Terminator, but a really sexy one. She realized she was gripping her drink too hard and relaxed her hand.
"This is Jack, my second in command. Jack, this is Janet."
Her mouth felt dry as the giant turned his attention toward her. She held her breath as she waited for their eyes to meet. His eyes flicked over her as if she were inconsequential.
But then- he paused as their gazes locked.
There was a glimmer of something- warm in his eyes. Hot even. She felt it down to her toes.
Other places too.
Forget that he was an outlaw biker- eyelashes like that on a man should be criminal. He jerked his eyes away and that was it, whatever electric current she’d felt leap between them was gone.
He nodded at her, and then at Kaylie. And then he turned around and stalked back to the spot he'd been occupying across the room. He hadn’t said even one word.
Janet's mouth must have been open as she stared at him. He was - Jesus - he was a little bit scary! Kaylie giggled and sipped the fresh drink that Donnie had just placed in front of her.
"Don't mind, Jack. He's not as mean as he looks."
"He isn't?"
Devlin grinned and grabbed the beer Donnie served him without asking.
"Jack's one of the best people I know. He just doesn't like to brag about it." He grinned. “Or anything, really.”
Janet glanced over her shoulder. She could have sworn Jack was scowling at her. But he turned his gaze so sharply that she couldn't be sure.
His name was Jack. And he was beautiful, in an utterly terrifying way. Kind of like a Bond villain. Or a super villain in a cartoon.
And oh, so manly.
She sighed and sipped her drink. She knew what she would be dreaming about that night…
Chapter Four
He stood by the door, letting his gaze soften as he took in everything at once. One thing kept catching his eye though, no matter how hard he tried to not to stare.
Shiny and bright as a new pen
ny. Not just her hair either. With her long legs and stunning face, she was physically stunning. But it was more than that.
The damn girl sparkled with zest and curiosity. She shouldn’t be here. Not even with Kaylie. There was something about Janet. She didn’t seem like stuff would just roll off her the way some people did.
She seemed like she would absorb it. Every bit. And this kind of place was the wrong thing for a shiny penny like her to absorb.
She was too good for guys like him to even look at her.
“Do me a favor man?”
He nodded. Dev knew he would do anything for him, or the club.
But especially Dev and Donnie.
“My old lady is here tonight, we got to keep things extra chill.”
Jack grunted in agreement. He liked Dev’s new woman. First woman, really. Dev had never been serious about a female in his life.
You would think it would soften him but instead it made him harder. More ferocious.
Well, other than the flowers and chocolates he brought her. He’d gotten her a leather jacket and a helmet too. Gloves for riding. And a pair of motorcycle boots.
She was his old lady, there was no doubt about that.
“Oh and her friend too. Kaylie said she’s a good girl so keep the dogs away.”
Jack’s eyes darted to the girl. He’d noticed her alright. It was impossible not to. His cock was paying attention, throbbing in his jeans just from looking at her.
It had been a long damn time since he’d gotten hard without meaning to. And if she could do that to him, he knew the room was full of boners.
Keeping guys away from her was going to be next to impossible. Those legs alone could start a riot. Never mind the silky red hair that made his fingers itch to grab it and wrap it around his rough and calloused hands.
He’d use it to tilt her head back so he could ravage her mouth with his.
“She’s had a hard time. She’s under the club’s protection now, too.”
Jack raised an eyebrow.
Dev laughed and slapped Jack’s shoulder.
“I know man, like waving a red flag at a bull. But I know you are up to the challenge.”
Jack just crossed his arms and stared straight ahead, going back to seeing everything and nothing at once.
People thought he was stoic, a giant piece of rock. But it wasn’t true.
He knew he could bleed. He knew it better than most.
He knew he had to be vigilant. Stay on his guard. Be ready to fight to protect himself and anyone he cared about.
He had learned that early.
Chapter Five
"What's he doing over there?"
Three drinks later, and Janet could not get the guy out of her mind. He'd been standing alone all night, surveying the room. He had literally not moved in hours.
"He's protecting us."
Kaylie leaned in.
"It can get kind of crazy in here. Jack's making sure nothing gets started while we are here."
A funny feeling was settling in the pit of her stomach. He was protecting them. She felt safe suddenly. Safer than she had in a long time.
Maybe ever.
Kaylie was giggling. She didn't drink too often. Janet was feeling a bit giddy herself.
"They call him the Viking. But don't do it! He hates it."
She took another sip, staring at Jack from under her hair.
"Does he ever talk?"
"No. To Devlin sometimes. But I've barely heard more than three words out of him at a time."
"Is something- wrong with him?"
"No. And don't let anyone hear you say that. Devlin told me he owes Jack his life. He's done more for Devlin than anyone. Me too. He's a good guy. You don't have to be scared of him, I promise."
Janet nodded. She was feeling something, alright. But it wasn't fear.
The hairs rose on the back of her neck. She turned and caught him staring at her. No, not staring. His eyes were boring into her. She could feel his eyes as if he were touching her.
The Viking. It suited him.
She swallowed nervously and turned back toward the bar. She glanced over her shoulder and he was still watching her with a faint, superior smile. She doubted anyone could see that smile but her. It was barely there, in the very corner of his eyes and mouth.
Her spine stiffened and she turned her back on him deliberately.
There was something about him that made her nervous. He was so… male. She'd never seen anyone that masculine in her life. He was like a lion or a gorilla at the zoo.
He looked cold and hard, no matter how handsome or chiseled his face was. And that body… Jesus, he did look like a Viking! Strong, lean and ruthless.
He made her nervous. Very, very nervous.
Kaylie was chatting about some of the people they'd gone to high school with as Janet struggled vainly to get her emotions in check. The drinks weren't helping.
Yes, she was nervous. But she was also aroused. She crossed her legs and pulled her top up in the front. When she snuck a look behind her, Jack was openly leering at her.
No, not at her. At her legs.
She felt overly warm in the bar suddenly. As if they'd turned up the heat like the sauna at the dance studio where she practiced sometimes. Not that she danced anymore. It was painful to even think about.
She’d lost everything when she injured herself. Her hopes and dreams. But she’d also been freed of the relentless pressure.
Freed from the expectations of her dance company, the press, her parents and herself.
Especially her parents.
She licked her lips and nodded when Donnie offered her another drink. He was lording it up all night, bossing the prospects around. His merry blue eyes made her feel comfortable.
Jack's black gaze did not.
Devlin slid his arm around Kaylie.
"You about ready to go?"
She nodded, a light blush tinting her cheeks. Janet looked away, not wanting to interrupt their intimate moment. Kaylie had said that Devlin was always trying to get her alone.
She’d said that he was insatiable. Janet had begged for details but Kaylie refused to say much. It was obvious that whatever Devlin wanted to do when he got Kaylie alone, was more than a little bit naughty.
It was also clear that her friend didn’t mind a bit.
"Come on Janet, I'll drive you home."
She waved goodbye to Donnie as Dev threw a couple of twenties on the bar. He didn’t have to pay for drinks in his own place. It was just a courtesy for Donnie and the other bartenders.
Janet couldn't resist one more glance across the room while Kaylie pulled her jacket on and gathered her purse.
Jack was just where he'd been all night. He was staring toward them again. He could have been looking at any of them. Kaylie, Dev, even Donnie behind the bar. But she knew he wasn't.
He was looking at her.
Chapter Six
“Ready to do a run by?”
Jack grunted in agreement. It was late and the scene at the bar was still going. But they were gone, so he could leave.
She was gone.
He hadn’t stopped thinking about her since she walked out the door.
There were fifty reasons he could not pursue the girl, no matter what his dick was saying. As they pulled out onto the road he reminded himself of them, starting at the top.
1. She was a good girl. Classy. She would never go for a dirtbag biker.
2. He didn’t need anyone. He just wanted her for some Godforsaken reason.
3. Even though she was friends with Kaylie, who was a sweetheart, he had a feeling Janet was another type of girl altogether. Those flashing eyes screamed high maintenance.
4. She wasn’t short but she was still tiny compared to him. He might break her.
5. She was a rich girl. A normal, on steroi
ds. The kind of person he sneered at.
6. She would want things if he fucked her. And since he didn’t just want to fuck her once, he would have to give those things to her. And he couldn’t.
7. She probably wouldn’t fuck him anyway.
8. But maybe he could try. Make an effort. It would be worth it for just one touch of that silky skin.
9, He didn’t do sweetbutts, or regular girls. He didn’t do women for the most part. Not for a very long time.
10. He didn’t like messy. Janet was messy. A hot mess, literally.
He could go on and on. It was a fruitless exercise. Jack knew he might never see her again anyway.
He’d certainly never dare to touch her.
But he could think about it. Indulge the fantasy. He had a feeling he couldn’t stop if he wanted to.
They pulled to the outskirts of town and killed their lights. It was a run down part of the suburban sprawl. An area that used to be nice, but wasn’t anymore.
A part of town that time had passed over.
They watched the house for an hour, staring at the crappy split level that one Officer Grant called home. He’d been warned that he was on parole with the club. They were probably going to hurt him at some point, but for now, they were just looking for an excuse.
He’d stayed the hell away from Kaylie and the club, not even daring to get takeout from Mae’s since everything went down.
The man looked scared, which was what Dev wanted. What they all wanted.
It was better if he suffered, mentally torturing himself.
It was better than killing him, or just messing him up. All three options were still on the table. But for now, the order was to keep tabs.
So they did.
But tonight something new was going on.
Grant had company.
A woman's voice was raised over the sound of classic rock. Not the good stuff though. The soft stuff. Rock ballads that chicks liked.
Jack sneered.
A blond threw open a window, then turned to throw a beer can across the room. Donnie and Jack exchanged a glance.