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Ride With The Devil (The Devil's Riders Book 2) Page 15

  "What's wrong, sweetheart? What got you so riled up?"

  She spun around and hissed at me. Like a pissed off kitty cat. I leaned against the door and grinned. I liked kitties. Especially gorgeous ones like her.

  "I need this job, Jagger! Don't ruin it for me like you-"

  I straightened up. This was not regular grade anger. This was a bonafide grudge.

  "Like I what?"

  She scowled at me mutinously.


  I smiled again.

  "Well, if it reall is nothing, when are you going to let me take you out again?"

  "How about never?"

  "Oh come on sweetheart, we had a good time together, didn't we?"

  She looked like she was about to cough. Or choke. Her eyes were wide, practically bulging, as she seemed to struggle for air. I was about to get her a glass of water when she burst out laughing.

  And kept laughing.

  She laughed so hard she had to bend forward and rest her hands on her knees.

  I stopped smiling.

  "What's so damn funny?"

  "You are Jagger. I'm surprised you even remember me with all your floozies."

  "I don't have any floozies."

  I glanced at the heavens, expecting lightning to strike.

  "Well, not anymore."

  She just looked at me. I could see I'd hurt her somehow. I didn't like that.

  Not one bit.

  "Come on sweetheart, let's talk."

  "I can't. And don't call me that."

  I raised an eyebrow at her.

  "You can't talk? You're doing just fine."

  "No, I mean not here. I'm not supposed to... fraternize."

  "Says who?"

  She sighed.

  "My boss, that's who."

  Go Long

  "How do you like our campus so far Kyle?"

  Kyle smiled benignly at my mother. He looked as innocent as a choirboy. Meanwhile, under the table his foot was brushing mine. I wasn't sure if it was deliberate until he did it again. I scowled at him as he oozed charm and good will. All false of course.

  I wasn't fooled.

  "It's the most beautiful I've ever seen. And the students have been... very friendly."

  He grinned at me pointedly and popped a bite of food into his mouth. He made it clear he was talking about me as his foot caressed mine again. I kicked him and he nearly choked. I smiled serenely as my father pounded his back.

  Kyle glared at me as he wiped his mouth.

  I gave him a look that clearly said 'two can play at that game.'

  "Thank you Coach."

  "Make sure you chew your food, boy. Can't lose you before the season starts!"

  I put my chin on my hand and smiled sweetly. I knew more about sports than most men. But Kyle didn't know that. I intended to milk it.

  "Daddy, isn't it unusual to put a walk-on on the team?"

  "Hardly ever happens at this level. But Kyle here is an unusual young man."

  "He is?"

  "He's unnaturally talented on the field Bellie. His military training had a lot to do with it, but some people are just naturals."


  Kyle's eyes were glowing mischievously. I could have screamed. My plan to control the conversation had completely backfired. If he started calling me 'Bellie' I would lose it. I really would.

  "That's what we call our little girl. Did you know they actually pay her to attend school? She had a full ride of course, but they actually give her a stipend and all sorts of administrative jobs for extra money. She has career academic written all over her."

  I groaned inwardly. Did he have to make me sound like a cross between a 12 year-old and a grandma? That's what I was really. Kyle was right when he called me Miss Priss. Just a little girl who acted like the biggest, most responsible, boring goodie two-shoes ever to walk the face of the-

  Kyle was staring at my breasts. Not just staring either. He licked his lips and made an appreciative grimace. Like he couldn't stand being this close to me and not touching me.

  I coughed, nearly spitting out my mashed potatoes.

  He was touching me with his eyes. It was practically foreplay! I tried to ignore him but it was too late. A hot pool of lust had settled in my belly. I crossed my arms, realizing my nipples were hard. I jumped up, knocking over my glass of iced tea.

  Thankfully it was almost empty.

  "Bellie! Are you alright?"

  "Just- chilly. I want to grab a sweater."

  "Alright but come right back and we can clear the table."

  "Yes, mom."

  I practically ran from the room. I could feel Kyle's eyes boring into my back. I heard him ask where the restroom was and excuse himself.

  Argh!!! He was following me!

  I ran for my bedroom and started to slam the door but he caught it with the flat of his hand.

  "Where are you running to... Bellie?"

  He was grinning at me like the cat that ate the canary. I had the sudden urge to smack the smug look off his handsome face. His eyes slid over my body, even more blatantly than before. I grabbed a light cardigan, angrily pulling it over my arms. I buttoned the center of it.

  "Don't call me that!"

  He just shook his head, leaning against my doorframe.

  "Why not? You know I can still see those perfect tits of your, Bellie. Your nipples are practically poking a hole through that sweater."

  I gasped.

  "My father will hear you!"

  He grinned.

  "No. He won't."

  He stepped into my room and I stepped backwards until my back was against the wall. He loomed over me, saying nothing.

  Then he ran his hands over my shoulders, deliberately brushing my breasts with his forearms.

  "Did I do that to you, Miss Priss?"

  I opened my mouth but no words came out. He was making me confused dammit! And he had done this to me... without even touching me, I was aroused like never before.

  Well, like only once before anyway.

  "Meet me tomorrow after practice at my dorm. Unless you want me to tell him what you've been up to."

  I glared at him.

  "Blackmail? Really?"

  He nodded slowly.

  "I will stoop to anything to get what I want, Bellie. What we both want."

  I inhaled sharply as he leaned forward, his lips brushing my ear. I closed my eyes, feeling my heart thud in my chest. My whole body felt alive. I could feel the heat rolling off him. The strength. I could smell that clean manly scent... images of our night together flooded my mind against my will. I whimpered, ready to fall into his arms. All he had to do was kiss me.

  But he didn't. He just breathed four soft words against my ear, sending shivers down my spine. At that moment, even my goosebumps had goosebumps.

  "And I want you."

  When I opened my eyes, he was gone.


  Something wet slid against my ear. I brushed it away, still half asleep. It grazed my skin again and I rolled away from it. I tried to wipe it off on the pillow beneath my head, grimacing at the slimy sensation. Now I was awake and I didn't want to be.


  I opened my eyes to see a woman bending over me. Her long blond hair brushed my face. I turned my head away.

  "Cut it out."

  She sat up, glaring at me.

  "You didn't seem to mind last night."

  Normally, I would have soothed her. Called her by name. Trouble is, I had no fucking clue who the hell she was.

  I looked around.

  I had no idea where I was either.

  "Fuck me."

  She grinned at me, tossing that long bleached hair over her shoulder.

  "I already did."

  Belatedly I noticed that she was wearing some serious lingerie. Black and cream lace. It matched her bedroom. Her very expensive looking bedroom.

  I was swimming in a sea of neutral toned sheets and blankets. Silk probably. Expensive, def

  "I'd like to again."

  I shook my head.

  "Sorry babe, I gotta go."

  She pouted. I rolled out of bed, looking for my clothes.

  "Oh come on... Didn't we have fun together last night?"

  I smiled and nodded. It's not that she was bad looking, even if she was at least a decade older than me. It was hard to tell with these rich older broads. She was toned, buffed and polished to a high shine.

  Well preserved didn't even begin to cover it.

  Yeah, she was hot. Not just for a cougar. But I wasn't in the mood. I didn't usually go for seconds anyway.

  Hell. I never did.

  Hit it and quit it was my motto. It served me well. I didn't want any entanglements and I doubted I ever would.

  I looked at her, giving my best impersonation of someone who gave a shit.

  "Where are my clothes?"

  She smiled back and shrugged.

  "I really couldn't say."

  Fucking hell.

  "That's great. Just great."

  I looked around the room, lifting cushions and opening drawers. Nada. On the bedside table were my keys, wallet and phone. I scooped them up, thanking God for small favors.

  "Have a nice day, Ma'am."

  "Wait- you aren't leaving like that!"

  I coyly waved bye bye to her and left. I jogged through her palatial house in the buff. The marble floors were cool under my feet. The place screamed mega bucks. But not in a tacky way. It was tastefully done, just like the lady herself.

  She was chasing me through the house, becoming less composed by the second.

  "Seriously, you can't! What will the neighbors think?"

  I stopped at the front door of her mansion, glancing back over my shoulder.

  "You should have thought of that before you hid my shit."

  She screamed in frustration and threw a vase at me. I heard it shatter against the door as I closed it behind me. Just in the nick of time.

  "Damn. That would have left a mark."

  I made a call as I strolled down her manicured driveway to the gate.

  "Joss, can you pick me up? I need a ride."

  I leaned against the wrought iron gate and waved at a neighbor who was walking their dog.

  "Take your time."


  Not one for slacking I started my first full day home with a match against the club pro Matt. It cost extra to play with him but I didn't care. He was an amazing player and gave as good as he got. And for some reason, he considered me a friend.

  Probably because most of the people who hired him were bored housewives hoping to get into his pants.

  I'd noticed the cougar crowd dropping me hints the past few years as well. And now that I was 21... well maybe I'd take one of them up on it. At least I could be sure an older woman would know what she was doing.

  I was dripping with sweat by the time we were done. I wasn't a big fan of showering at the club so I left. Matt waved me off and begged me to book him as much as possible this summer. I promised I would.

  What the fuck else was I supposed to do?

  Except, well, fuck.

  As much as possible.

  As many girls as possible.

  Speaking of which maybe I'd text Jen later. I knew she was waiting on me. I did enjoy working out horizontally, especially with a sexy female like Jen. She liked to sport fuck as much as I did.

  I was turning down our driveway in my convertible when I hit the breaks.


  A girl was biking toward me. From the general direction of the house. Long dark blond hair blew behind. Big high tits filled out her t-shirt admirably. She had a teeny tiny waist and long tanned legs. She rode closer and I tried to get a look at her face.

  Pretty, that much was obvious, with big beautiful eyes. I could see her puffy lips from twenty feet away. Cute little nose too.

  The girl looked like a God damned swimsuit model.

  No. Wait. What.

  My brain went utterly blank as I realized something.

  It was Mouse. Mouse was the swim suit model. I was staring at Mouse with lust.

  Hot, unrelenting lust.

  I jolted to action as she pulled up by my car.


  She stopped her bike, those impossibly long legs straddling the seat. Her jean shorts were short, almost up to the top of her perfect thighs. I swallowed, realizing my mouth was a little bit dry.

  But my dick was throbbing.

  She smiled at me, cool as a cucumber. Where was the worshipful little Mouse I knew and loved?

  "Hey Clay."

  She'd grown up obviously. And she'd grown up right.

  Still, I knew how to charm the pants off a girl, no matter how hot she was. And I wanted to. I knew it instantly. I wanted to fuck Mouse, of all people.

  Really, really bad.

  I smiled, letting my eyes wander over that ridiculously perfect little body.

  "Where you going?"

  She tossed her head, sending a cascade of wavy blond hair over her shoulder. It was very sexy, but not deliberate or coy. She was unconsciously seductive. It was hypnotizing.

  "Job hunting."

  I smirked.

  "In that outfit?"

  She looked down at herself and back at me.

  I pulled my sunglasses down and switched gears.

  "I think you've outgrown those shorts little Mouse."

  Then I drove away. Slowly. Very slowly.

  Just so I could check out her ass in the rear view window.

  Good lord, the girl was fine. She'd stop traffic anywhere. No matter what she was wearing.

  I went into the house to change, all thoughts of texting Jen forgotten.

  A Bad Boy For Summer

  I threw my arm over the back of the seat and looked to the side, letting my eyes slide over her body. Frannie didn't seem to notice. Her hands were gripping the bar that had locked us into place in the Ferris wheel seat.

  I leaned back and watched her as the ride started to spin.

  She looked like a little kid, nervous and excited. Her cheeks were pink and her eyes sparkled when she turned to look at me.

  "I thought you didn't like Ferris wheels."

  "I don't! I'm petrified."

  I grinned at her.

  "I'll protect you."

  She laughed as if that were the wittiest thing I could have said. I laughed too, her laughter was that infectious. As soon as we got to the top of the wheel I slid over to her. Her face was startled as she looked into my eyes. My eyes lowered to her soft inviting lips.

  I leaned in and tilted my head, angling my mouth against hers.

  Her lips felt like pillows underneath mine. Warm and sweet. Her breath mingled with mine as I slowly eased into the kiss, nibbling and licking her until she opened her mouth.

  Then the kiss went wild.

  My hands reached for her hips as I pulled her against me. Her breasts mashed against my chest and I moaned, diving back into her mouth to tangle my tongue with hers.

  I felt like my dick was a fucking rocket, it was so ready to lift off.

  The next thing I knew the ride had stopped and a crowd of people were staring at us. I guess we didn't notice. I wanted the ride to go on and on. As it was I had to hold my jacket in front of me as I climbed out.

  I glanced at Frannie. Her pretty lips were swollen and pouting. I wanted to get horizontal with her right fucking now.

  Jesus Christ, what was she doing to me?

  The girl had the moves that was for fucking sure.

  I took her hand and pulled her toward the boardwalk, desperately looking for a place to be alone with her. She smiled at me shyly. There was an innocence in her gaze that made me absolutely sure that she had no fucking clue what I had in mind.

  I had a sinking feeling that Frannie was a good girl. That her innocence might be a problem. That it might take more than a Ferris wheel ride to get into her pants. It wasn't going to stop me from trying t

  I knew something else too.

  I knew it without a doubt.

  This girl was going to be mine.


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