Ride With The Devil (The Devil's Riders Book 2) Read online

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  Actually, it never happened to me. This had not happened to me once, even before my first album dropped.

  Oddly enough, I liked it.

  But that wasn't the total reasoning for this absurd fascination. Obsession really.

  I could clearly remember the shot of pure lust that had surged through me. It was an instant reaction. It started in the first moment I saw her.

  That had been from a distance too. Up close she'd been far more devastating.

  All before I realized what an adorable pain in the ass she was.

  I laughed. Maybe that is what I liked the most about her. Jenny was real.

  I waved at the crew that was unpacking and cleaning the house and headed into the office. I fired up the computer- the one thing I’d set up by myself. Then I started googling.

  I wanted to know everything about Miss Delicious Cakes before I planned my attack.

  And it would be an attack. A gentle one. But still.

  I always played to win.

  Chapter 7


  Bzzzz bzzzz

  I groaned, trying to focus on the book in my lap and losing the battle. My phone buzzed for the third time. I knew who it was.


  It was almost 7 pm. My new neighbor wanted to know when I was coming over.

  How about never?

  Still, the party did sound nice floating through the open kitchen window. People laughing, soft music playing. I could practically hear the champagne fizzing.

  Thankfully it was not the raging drug fest I’d been afraid of. It was tempting to just go over, let my hair down for once. But I held firm.

  Slade would never, ever leave me alone if I gave in now. Well, not until he moved on to the starlet du jour. Ugh, knowing you were going to get dumped before you even said yes to a first date was not cool.

  I didn’t like this feeling at all.

  I gave up on the book and went back to the task waiting for me on the table. I leaned over my laptop, trying to stare the numbers on my spreadsheet into submission.

  As a sole proprietor/independent contractor I was supposed to do my taxes on a quarterly basis. But I didn't have enough money for an accountant. So I’d gotten some fancy software program that I was still trying to figure out.

  Technology was not my friend. I liked paper books, not ereaders. Phones and computers baffled me.

  I didn’t even belong to Facebook.

  The bottom line was, I hadn't paid taxes for this year at all yet.


  A soft rapping came from the front of the house. Basil sat up and started whining pitifully. I sighed.

  Someone was at the door.

  Obviously it was Slade. The man just would not take ‘no’ for an answer. Annoyance shot through me, intermingled with something else.


  I hated myself for feeling it, but it was there. I hated liars. I never lied. Not even to myself.

  Especially not to myself.

  I sighed and went to answer the door. Sure enough Slade was standing outside with two glasses of champagne. As usual, he was smiling at me.

  What the hell did he have to be so damn happy about?

  Oh right. Being rich, famous, gorgeous and talented as hell was probably a lot more fun than being an awkward, chubby girl who liked to spend more time with flour and baking soda than other human beings.

  "Hi Slade."

  He gave me a charming look and made a scolding sound.

  "Tsk tsk tsk. You promised."

  "Sorry, I forgot. Paperwork. Really busy."

  I brazenly tried to shut the door in his face. But he was too fast. It was almost like he knew what I was going to do before I did it.

  He reached down and opened the screen door, inviting himself inside.

  Ugh, just come on in. Exactly like a vampire would. Once you let them in, you can never get rid of them.

  He glanced over at the stack of papers and receipts on my small dining room table. Which doubled as a desk. And tripled as a pie cooling rack. Or a place to roll out dough.

  Every now and then I actually ate a meal there too.

  "Come on doll, it's Saturday night. Have a glass of champagne. Loosen up."

  If only he knew how much I hated people calling me pet names. Or telling me to loosen up. Or relax.

  I didn’t want to relax, dammit. I wanted to be tense. On my guard.

  Relaxing was dangerous.

  Sexy as hell men were dangerous.

  Slade was extra, extra dangerous.

  The last time I’d actually taken that advice, I’d gone down a pipeline that was impossible to resist. It had taken me years to clean up my life after the last lothario I’d let in. Jake had destroyed my peace of mind.

  He'd nearly destroyed my life.

  It was sure as shit not going to happen again.

  Well, maybe just for one night… I could just go and come back. See how the other half lived. It’s not like I had to sleep with him for real, was it?

  I took the champagne and downed it, handing the glass back to him.


  He was staring at me as if he were star struck. Honestly, the man looked like he wanted to eat me alive. Or lick me anyway.

  I wondered what he tasted like.

  A funny feeling started to pool in my stomach.

  Maybe I kind of wanted him to. Lick me, that is. I had a few ideas about where he could start…

  Ugh, no STOP IT JENNY.

  He smirked and handed me the other glass. I rolled my eyes and took it, taking a lady like sip. He laughed.

  "Come on."


  He grabbed my hand.

  "I'm taking you with me."

  "But I'm not dressed!"

  He didn't let go of my hand as he turned and looked me over. Thoroughly. Very thoroughly.

  He seemed particularly intrigued by my feet.

  I was barefoot in jeans and another old rock t-shirt. No bra. My hair was down and I wasn't wearing a stick of makeup.

  Not that I ever really did. I liked a good lip gloss now and then. But I already attracted more attention than I wanted. Usually from guys who did not want a meaningful relationship, if you know I’m saying.

  Makeup just made it worse.

  Meanwhile he was wearing a very expensive looking button down shirt over another pair of soft looking tight jeans.

  The man really knew how to wear jeans.

  "You look perfect."

  He let out a low whistle and started dragging me again.


  He sighed as if very put out and waited while I grabbed my keys and a cherry chapstick. He smirked at that. Then he took my hand and dragged me out of the house, sighing impatiently as I locked the door.

  "Is that really necessary?"

  "Well there are all sorts of strange men out tonight. So, yes."


  He laughed again and threw his arm over my shoulder. For some reason he seemed to find me charming. No matter how hard I tried to put him off.

  Maybe he was on drugs. He was a rock star after all. He seemed straight though.

  And his big strong arm felt heavenly around my back. It had been a while since anyone hugged me, that was for sure.

  It was kind of sad but the truth was, my only source of physical affection was a dog.

  An awesome, off the charts amazing dog, but still.

  "Come on doll. Let's get you some more of that champagne."

  That's when I realized that he hadn't been wearing sunglasses for the first time. I was completely bamboozled by his stunning good looks.

  His eyes. Good lord, those eyes.

  They were brown. But that word didn't do it justice. They weren't chocolatey. They were amber.

  Warm, glowing amber.

  I let him lead me over to his house.

  Chapter 8


  I sat in the low slung all weather couch on my deck. It formed a semi circle and
was filled with people laughing and talking in front of an eco gas fireplace.

  Soft music played, classics and songs from the 60’s and 70’s. It was comfortable, and surprisingly fun.

  I didn't have anything against loud music. It just overpowered the sound of the ocean less than twenty feet away.

  And according to Jenny, that would be a travesty.

  I had to admit, I agreed with her.

  She’d also programmed the music after I handed over my iPod.

  Jenny was full of surprises as she sat beside me tonight.

  The girl was not only relaxed, she was sparkling. She was surprisingly well read and sharp as a tack. There were revealing moments as well, like when she mentioned that she was well read only because she spent so much time alone.

  I’d felt a strange hitch in my chest at the thought.

  Then there was the time she'd said that she was alone in the world. Literally. She hadn't been throwing a pity party, on the converse, she'd made a joke about being an orphan.

  Something about how simple the holidays were when you didn't have any living relatives. None worth mentioning anyway.

  Everyone had laughed.

  But it had broken my heart.

  Just a little bit.

  Just enough to crack it open and let something else in.

  Everyone was drinking and relaxing but I’d switched to mineral water about a half an hour ago. As soon as the party started to thin out. I wanted to be relatively sober when I kissed her.

  And I was going to kiss her.

  Of that I had no doubt.

  Kissing, and hopefully a whole lot more.

  Now, I just had to keep her distracted while I hinted that everyone else should leave.

  Jenny leaned back and closed her eyes, with no idea of what I was planning.

  She wouldn’t be so relaxed if she did know.

  Chapter 9



  My palms made contact with Slade’s hands again. He was letting me win the game of slap, I had no doubt. But I couldn't stop laughing.

  Besides, I figured he deserved a slap or two. Especially with the dirty looks he'd been throwing my way all night.

  Not dirty.

  Sultry. Hot.

  Smokin' hot.

  He'd been sitting next to me for most of the night, despite having thirty something other guests to attend to.

  It was almost like he was afraid to let me out of his sight. Like he knew that I might sneak back home and he wouldn’t get a chance to- well, I wasn’t sure exactly what he was after. But I figured it included both of us, wearing as little clothing as possible.

  The guy could have any number of gorgeous women at the party. I’d noticed his yoga teacher staring at him, throwing him hints all night. He ignored her completely.

  For some reason, it seemed like he actually wanted me.

  And only me.

  I’d felt his eyes almost constantly. He'd managed to slide closer every half hour or so as well. Until his thigh was pressed against mine and his arms slung casually over the back of my seat.

  He was marking his territory, no doubt about it.

  It felt completely natural for some reason. Even though I knew he was putting the moves on me. He wasn't being overbearing but it sure as shit wasn't subtle either.

  Now we were facing each other, two of the last people at the party. I kept getting up to leave but he kept pulling me back down and entertaining me with some other wild story.

  He had lots of wild stories. And snacks. And fizzy, delicious beverages.

  Now he was letting me slap the shit out of his hands.


  He winced and held his hand dramatically. I laughed giddily. I hadn't really hit him hard. Oddly enough, even after anonymously hating my neighbor for all this time, I didn't want to.

  "You deserve it for waking me up all those mornings!"

  "It wasn't me! If I had known I would have told them to start work at nine. No- ten!"

  I laughed. It was impossible to stay angry at the man. He wasn’t just devastatingly handsome, or rich, or talented.

  He was funny as hell.

  I harrumphed and nodded to him.

  “Well, ten am is the perfect time to get out of bed."

  His eyes warmed up and he leaned forward, stroking my cheek.

  "Or get into it."

  He was going to kiss me. I knew it. I hesitated for a moment and then turned away imperceptibly.

  "I should go. Basil needs to go out."

  "I'll come. We can try and finish some of this champagne."

  I didn't say yes or no but when he followed me homeward, I couldn't wipe the smile off my face. Nobody had paid me this much attention in years. Mostly because I hid away from the world but-

  Now where had that come from?

  I loved my quiet little life. I was safe here. Nobody bothered me or made demands. Sure it got lonely sometimes but…

  Aw, hell.

  It got lonely a lot.

  "Hey, Basil!"

  Basil was ecstatic to see us as we came in the door. He grabbed his leash between his jaws and rolled onto his back, encouraging Slade to rub his belly.

  It was a bonafide love fest.

  Strangely, I felt left out.

  "Alright, let's go you two."

  Slade followed me to the beach, with Basil leading the way. I always leashed Basil, mostly for his own safety. I’d heard of dogs getting lost out here and didn't want to take a risk.

  After all, Basil was all I had. Basil and a beach house. And my business, Jenny Cakes.

  Gee, that was depressing.

  I swigged deeply from the champagne bottle Slade kept handing me. They were laughing while Basil ran circles around us. Slade looked serious all the sudden as he reached out and grabbed my hand.

  He rubbed his thumb over my palm and pulled me towards him. My laughter faded as I stared up at him. He was smiling softly as he looked hungrily at my lips.

  He moved in. I moved away.

  I took another swig and pulled free of his hands.

  "Let's go swimming!"

  His eyes lit up as I reached for my waistband, swiftly unbuttoning it and tugging down the zipper. His jaw dropped when shimmied my jeans off and ran into the water.

  "Hey, wait for me!"

  I turned back to see Slade stripping down to his undies and chasing me into the bay.

  Chapter 10


  I was having the time of my life. No joke. It literally felt like the best time I’d had in my entire life.

  Because of her.

  There was no one on Earth like her. Jenny was so raw and present. So real. So free.

  So intent on not letting me kiss her.

  But if there was one thing I knew, it was that I was going to convince her otherwise.

  Starting now.

  We were swimming in the cool, easy waves that rolled into the bay. It was free from the dangerous undertow or rough currents that you faced on the ocean side. It was also a haven for biting flies and mosquitos.

  Not that the real estate agent who'd sold me the lot even mentioned that.

  But that made it safe for a midnight swim, even slightly inebriated. Which we both were.

  Well, maybe more than just slightly.

  I grinned as Jenny flipped over onto her back and stared at the sky. She couldn't know how entrancing her face looked, with just her nose, chin, forehead and lips visible above the surface.

  Oh, and her breasts. It was hard not to be distracted by those glorious bouncing globes.

  I licked my lips as her breasts bobbed against the waves. I was instantly hard, just like that. I almost had to shake myself to focus on what she was saying.

  "There's no place like this on Earth."

  "You're right."

  "No place so beautiful. Or unspoiled."

  I grinned and decided it was time to make my move.

  "Especially now."

  She turned
to look at me as I rolled her to her feet. The bay was only four feet deep this close to shore. Deep enough to get wet, but hard to drown in.

  Jenny was so tiny that the water reached up to her chest.

  "What do you mean?"

  I brushed my hand over her silky cheek. It was now or never.


  The raw hunger in my voice was unmistakable. I lowered my lips to hers. I couldn't have stopped myself if I’d tried.

  Not that I was trying.

  Jenny felt, and tasted, incredible. She was a feast for my senses. In my hands. Under my mouth. Against my tongue. And when she opened her mouth to gasp in surprise I wasted no time.

  I went for the gold.

  My tongue danced inside teasingly to explore Jenny's delectable mouth. I swirled it against her delectable tongue. She stood stock still as I teased her mouth, begging her to kiss me back.

  Once, twice… the third time her tongue responded to mine.

  That was it.

  I was in.

  Chapter 11


  Was this really happening?

  I moaned against Slade's mouth. His hands were everywhere under the water, inflaming me. He started stroking softly between my legs.

  Even through my panties, it felt incredible.

  How could I be so hot when I was submerged in the Atlantic Ocean?

  Slade stopped kissing me long enough to tilt back slightly and lift me up. His lips and tongue seared the skin along my neck and collar bone.

  He growled in frustration when he couldn't get at my breasts and set me back down.

  He ran his thumb over my cheek and grabbed my hand.

  "Come on."

  I followed him back to the beach in a lust filled daze. He kissed me again and looked around, whistling for Basil. Slade scooped up the leash and led us both back toward my house.

  I was as obedient as a well-trained dog.

  I felt like I was in a champagne and kissing induced dream. But one thought kept pulsing through my mind. A thought that should have scared me. But it didn't.